Tony Tony Chopper (2024)

Hero Overview

I realized that back then, the reason I wanted to become human, was that I really just wanted to have friends. Now, I just want to be a monster that can help Luffy.
~ Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper, or better simply known as Chopper, is one of the main characters of the One Piece franchise. He serves as the medical doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Chopper is a reindeer that ate a Devil Fruit called the Human-Human Fruit (ヒトヒトの実, Hito Hito no Mi). He came from Drum Island, which makes him one of the only two members of the Straw Hat Pirate Crew who were born on the Grand Line. He is the sixth member of the crew and the fifth to join Luffy, as well as being the youngest member on board. He had a bounty of 50 berries, then 100 berries and now has a bounty of 1,000 berries due to being mistaken for the crew's pet.

He is voiced by Ikue Ōtani in the Japanese version of the anime, who is the best of voicing Pikachu in the Pokémon series, and by Brina Palencia in the English version of the anime.

  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Abilities and Powers
    • 2.1 Devil Fruit
  • 3 Usage
  • 4 Normal Transformations
    • 4.1 Other Combative Capabilities
    • 4.2 Weakness
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Navigation


Chopper often acts very childish because he is innocent and does not know any better. Besides being naïve, he is also extremely shy towards strange humans, especially before meeting the crew.

Similar to Usopp and Nami, he is sometimes a coward, but his cowardice can be attributed to his childishness and low confidence in his own fighting abilities, which contrasts with both Nami's cowardice based on her self-survival and with Usopp's cowardice based on his insecurities. Also, similar to Luffy, he is always easily impressed at things like beams, cannons and hidden abilities. Because Chopper is more or less on a journey to define himself, he often sees the members of the crew as role models, which causes him to imitate their behavior sometimes, especially Usopp.

He is an upright friend and companion who will try anything to overcome a task given by his team. He still has a feeling of distrust for humans from his youth, and will often outright insults and claims that compliments do not make him happy even though he is obviously happy about it (he starts to do the "Dirty Old Man" dance which was a bit by famous Japanese comedian Ken Shimura, which became a running gag). Amusingly, through his satisfied smile, he will insult the person that complimented him, though the lack of malice in his insults ensure nobody gets offended by him.

Chopper seems to be very forgiving of those close to him, for when Usopp wanted to rejoin the crew at the end of the Enies Lobby Arc, he called out to Luffy and Zoro, although they were ignoring him completely.

His dream is to carry out his deceased adoptive father, Hiluluk's belief that there is no incurable disease, and to become a doctor that can cure any illness. To this end, his childish nature vanishes whenever his medical skills are required; he does not hesitate in the least in any actions regarding the well-being of his patients.

Chopper also has the strong belief that a doctor is supposed to help save people, and becomes angered when somebody treats life without the proper respect. This was why he was greatly furious at his former hero, Dr. Hogback, when the man treated the patients' and Zombies' lives, and deaths, so callously. He was also enraged at Caesar Clown, for kidnapping and experimenting on children, and making them addicted to drugs.

Another one of Chopper's habits is his reverse cartoon peek, where he stands behind a wall or a doorway and peeks at people, trying not to be seen by them. Unfortunately he is not hiding his body behind the wall, as a result his body is visible and only one half of his face is hidden.

Along with Luffy and Usopp, Chopper has a child-like sense of wonder, thereby whether alone or with the other two, he becomes delighted and excited over impressive spectacles or monoliths, such as many of Franky's inventions, the Germa 66 Raid Suits, giant robots, the chocolate houses on Cacao Island, the candy and rivers of soda throughout the Seducing Woods, and so on. Chopper expresses enthusiasm to try mechanical innovations when possible, notably Franky's tank, in which, with Usopp, he begins role-playing as a soldier in battle; while for the sake of fun, the play is also to help him avoid thinking about how dangerous and scary the situation really is, albeit it can be shattered if confronted by a strong enough threat, like Big Mom - even so, he attempts to return to and maintain the role-play when using the tank to fight and flee for his life.

He also tends to panic quickly, and subsequently let some crucial facts slip his mind. One example is when there is someone who is injured, he often panics and screams "Call a doctor!!". It is not until he figures out that is the doctor that he starts to tend to the injured person. Another one is when he (and Brook) jumps into the water without hesitating to save Luffy from drowning, only to drown with him (since the Devil Fruit which he had eaten makes it impossible for him to swim). He, together with Brook and Luffy, ends up being saved by the other members of the crew.

After the timeskip, Chopper seems to have grown more confident, much like Usopp. He no longer strives to be looked at as a human, now only wanting to "be a monster that can help Luffy" as he put it. He even has grown mature enough to smack his crewmates, mostly Zoro and Luffy, when they try to do something stupid or extreme. He also seems to have outgrown the habits mentioned above. Despite his heightened confidence, he, along with Nami and Usopp, still occasionally fall into their cowardly trio reactions, falling into comical hysteria and pleas to avoid the danger.

Despite Chopper's strong morals and absolute belief in the medical doctor's obligation to sustaining and respecting the sanctity of life, he is able to take ideas from those who he deems as traitors, like Dr. Hogback, if he can adapt their ideas into something that actually helps people. Similarly, Caesar Clown is perhaps the person Chopper personally despises the most, however, he was able to work with him in order to improve his Rumble Ball recipe, all for the sake of being able to better protect his friends.

Abilities and Powers[]

Though it is rare for doctors to fulfill roles other than medical practices for the benefit of those around them, but as the Straw Hats' doctor, Chopper's responsibilities are not limited to just medicine alone.

Medical Expertise: Being the doctor of the crew, Chopper possesses a vast knowledge of both medicine and medical drugs as well as the preparations of most remedies and ointments ranging from regular fruits, roots, and vegetables that can be found and used on most islands. He is also capable of administering surgery and resuscitation.

Most of the healing methods that he uses are from the things he learned during his apprenticeship under both Dr. Hiluluk and Kureha, with the latter teaching him most of the medicinal procedures that he has so far mastered. After the timeskip it is assumed that his medical skills have only improved.

In addition while he was under the apprenticeship of Dr. Kureha, Chopper became aware of the highly addictive drug NHC10 (which only selected scientists in selected countries are allowed to use), and its harmful side effects. And is capable of stabilizing the condition of someone suffering from an overdose of the drug.

Perhaps as a another testament to his intelligence, he was also able to invent his very own drug known as the "Rumble Ball", through a little research; which helps to increase his Devil Fruit's fighting capabilities. (for more information look below)

He has also been shown being able to give successful blood transfusions (even between to different species: a human and a fishman, though human and fishmen do carry the same blood), as he did to save the lives of both Sanji and Luffy, after too much blood loss (even knowing their correct blood type: Luffy's blood type being F (the same as Jinbe's), and Sanji's blood type being S RH- (an unusually rare blood type).

Due to originally being a regular reindeer, Chopper can understand and communicate with almost every species of animal, with the only notable exception being Sea Kings. He often acts as translator when the Straw Hats meet animals, thus has more than once allowed the journey to continue due to facilitating an understanding with an animal.

Devil Fruit[]

Chopper has eaten a Zoan-class Devil Fruit known as the Hito Hito no Mi, and with the powers of the Hito Hito no Mi, it allows him the ability to transform into a human and human-reindeer hybrid at will. By consuming the fruit, Chopper has been given human intelligence, allowing him to understand and communicate in human language. The fruit has also given Chopper the ability to perceive concepts such as medicine that a reindeer would not comprehend. It also allows him to transform into human/reindeer hybrid forms.

The fruit is further strengthened by the use of the Rumble Ball. This drug allows Chopper to access other forms of varying human and reindeer proportions. The Rumble Ball however is not a thing that should be applied as the consequences to the powers of the fruit and the user himself can be quite disastrous.

The major weakness of the fruit, in the case of Chopper, is that the forms it gives him do not outright resemble humans and are often mistaken for something else. Examples include his human form being mistaken for a gorilla and his human hybrid form being mistaken for a tanuki. This is what originally alienated Chopper from both deer and humans alike. However, despite this, one advantage of this is that Chopper can easily hide from enemies while in a form they have not seen before. Other than that, the user is susceptible to standard Devil Fruit weaknesses.


The powers of the fruit have been used by Chopper for a variety of ways. Chopper mostly uses them in order to interact and understand humans. He has used them to a point that he is able to talk human whilst in his normal animal form. In the midst of battle, Chopper has also used his Devil Fruit powers in order to fight enemies with the strength given by the Devil Fruit. With the Rumble Ball he developed, Chopper can further use his Devil Fruit powers to an extent unlike most other Zoan Devil Fruit users.

According to Chopper, during the two years of his absence, he has completely improved all his transformations. Furthermore, he only needs the Rumble Ball to access one transformation point, his previously uncontrollable Monster Point. He can now freely transform into any of his other six forms (seven before the timeskip). Chopper still used the Rumble Ball to transform into Guard Point when they first encountered the Kraken in the manga, though this was corrected in the anime when he transformed into Guard Point without using a Rumble Ball. In an SBS, Oda jokingly stated that Chopper had actually eaten a Rumble Ball Candy in the manga, confirming that it was an error.

Since the timeskip, Chopper can freely transform between all of his forms except Monster Point, which requires a Rumble Ball.

Normal Transformations[]

Like all Zoan Devil Fruit users, Chopper possesses the ability to turn into three forms. These forms are called Walk Point, his normal form, Brain Point, his human hybrid form, and Heavy Point, his human form.

  • Walk Point, literally "Walking Power Strengthening") is Chopper's form as a normal reindeer, useful for general travel on foot. It is called "Sprint Boost" in the 4Kids dub and "Limb Boost" in the Viz Manga, but it keeps its original name in the FUNimation dub.

Being his original form, this is apparently the only form that actually ages as Chopper grows older. It is unknown whether or not his overall aging process is halted or even nullified whenever he assumed his other Zoan forms. Despite reindeer physiology possessing no vocal cords capable of human speech, Chopper is able to speak the human tongue in this form, similar to a few other animals in the One Piece World like Pappug. During battle, Chopper usually uses this to run across the battlefield to dodge an enemy's attack or otherwise. During any other time, Chopper is completely disguised in this form as he usually looks like a pet. This form also allows him to track his friends or enemies more easily thanks to the reindeer's strong sense of smell. Chopper looks like a typical reindeer in this form, the only thing differentiating him from other reindeer, other than his clothes, being his abnormally colored blue nose which is mostly noticed by other reindeer. Also his antlers look different than another reindeers' with non-pointed ends.

At nine years old, this form was relatively small and resembled a regular reindeer faun. It had a short snout and no fur at the shoulders. At fifteen years old, this form was more mature with a longer snout and prominent fur at the shoulders. At seventeen years old, this form drastically matured and became more stag-like. Chopper's size has grown to a full sized reindeer (at a size smaller than a horse). His antlers have grown and branched out. His fur in this form is also notably fluffier.

  • Heavy Point, literally "Weight Strengthening") is Chopper's "human" form, which gives him a human-like appearance and height. In this form, nearly all of Chopper's reindeer physical characteristics are gone. Only Chopper's blue nose and parts of his fur remain. This form also imbues Chopper with peak human(primate) strength and agility which comes in handy in battle or otherwise, on rare occasions this form has also been used to dodge in the air by turning into this form to fall at a faster rate. Chopper usually uses this form to try to blend in with other humans, but it is often mistaken for the Abominable Snowman or some other similar hairy hominid.
  • Brain Point, literally "Intellect Strengthening") is Chopper's reindeer and human hybrid look, with a small body and large head. Chopper is smarter in this form, and is seen in it most of the time. When fighting against enemies, Chopper usually changes into this form immediately in order to dodge an attack due to its small size. In addition, he can scope out an enemy's weakness in this form, while he is under the influence of a Rumble Ball. In the Viz Manga, 4Kids dub, and edited FUNimation dub, it is named "Brain Boost", but it keeps its original name in the uncut FUNimation dub. This is also the form where he does his best thinking of strategies, as he can utilize both human intelligence and reindeer sensitivity at the same time. Chopper is often mistaken for a tanuki in this form. This is also the only form that is posted on Chopper's wanted poster.

After the two year time-skip Chopper's Heavy Point has grown larger, muscular and makes him appear even more monstrous than before. In this form he was able to block a powerful strike from a drug enhanced Dosun's hammer by punching it head on and receiving just a little damage to his hand. Chopper has also shown enough strength to hold back a door against a group of rampaging giant children (with help from Mocha)

  • Jumping Point, literally "Flight Power Strengthening") is where Chopper keeps his reindeer legs in a human-like form, which allows him to jump long distances. Its jumping capabilities are so high that even Sanji (who possesses great jumping power himself) was thoroughly impressed upon seeing Chopper utilize this form. This form is perfect for avoiding enemy attacks by allowing Chopper to dodge them by jumping high up in the air. The distance from which Chopper can jump into the air in this form can be quite remarkable that it can give him a massive advantage in height against opponents.

However, despite its jumping capabilities, the form is relatively useless against enemies that can also move in mid-air. In addition, so far Chopper does not have any attacks that he can perform in this form. This form has mostly been used solely for evasive purposes only; in order to attack Chopper has to change to another form. This technique is called "Jumping Boost" in the Viz Manga, 4Kids dub, and edited FUNimation dub, but it keeps its original name in the uncut FUNimation dub.

  • Arm Point, literally "Muscle Strengthening") is one of Chopper's most powerful human forms; his biceps, triceps, and shoulders become extremely muscular in a human-esque form and he retains his hooves. In this form, Chopper's forearms become powerful enough to inflict a great amount of damage. They are capable of destroying a huge rock with one punch. They also have a certain amount of durability as seen when they were slashed by Chessmarimo with a technique that was capable of destroying a wall. Chopper usually turns into this form in battles in serious situtions.
  • Guard Point, literally "Fur Strengthening") is where Chopper's fur grows out and covers his entire body leaving only his head and two legs visible. Chopper resembles an overgrown Chia Pet in this form. With this fur, Chopper is able to withstand against most outside attacks with this impenetrable shield. This form's fur also can only withstand certain types of attacks. This means any attack that is too powerful for the fur to withstand can damage Chopper even while he is in this form. After the two year timeskip the Guard Point has greatly increased in size, such that it was big enough to protect the Thousand Sunny from a blow from the Kraken's tentacle. As with his other forms, Chopper is now able to transform in this form without using a Rumble Ball. Although Chopper used a Rumble Ball to transform against the kraken in the manga, this was later confirmed to be an error. When Chopper used Guard Point against the Kraken, it was noticeably larger than when Franky used it after being switched into his body. It is currently unknown whether this was due to Chopper having greater control over his body than Franky, or whether Chopper is now able to freely control the size of the transformation.
  • Kung Fu Point, literally "Flexibility Power Strengthening")is a new form that Chopper added into his transformation during the timeskip. The form is average in size, being a head taller than the average person, with a squat body structure. His face and head become wider, and he has no visible neck. The upper lip on Chopper's mouth also become angular and points upward, and his facial expression appears to be transfixed. His arms and legs are short and very muscular, though not as much as Arm Point. He bears some resemblance to the human inhabitants of Torino Kingdom, the island where he spent two years training. He retains his hooves and his antlers remain the same shape, but appear to be slightly smaller. In this form, Chopper is very proficient in kung fu, allowing versatile movement, and making him strong enough to easily take down several Ammo Knights that were sent to arrest him and Sanji. It seems that it combines the power of Arm Point and the acrobatic skill of Jumping Point though to a lesser degree than each individual point. In this form Chopper has been shown to possess enough strength to easily break down giant steel doors. So far no named attacks have been given.
  • Horn Point, literally "Horn Strengthening")is a form similar to Walk point, but with larger and sharper antlers. In this form, Chopper's human arms are retained and also become bulkier (and covered in fur) in order to compensate with the large load upon his head. With these huge antlers, Chopper can use them for a variety of ways, such as using them as a large shovel. Chopper first uses Horn Point against Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas, labeling it his "most powerful form". After two years, the appearance of Chopper's Horn Point has evolved and changed drastically. He can now stand on two legs in this form and the shape and size of his horns have changed and grown greatly, though less sharp becoming much thicker resembling that of a stag beetle. His forearms are large (similar to Franky's pre-timeskip) and he now has hooves instead of hands. Furthermore his legs and feet have a humanoid structure though they are still hooved. Choppers face is similar to that of his Brain Point and he also has a hairier back. He has become taller as well and is now skilled with digging to the extent that he is comparable to Daruma of the New Fishman Pirates. It is unknown if he can still transform into his old Horn Point form.

Before the time-skip, the consumption of three Rumble Balls in under six hours gave Chopper an additional Rumble Ball transformation, appearing to be a combination of all Chopper's Points except Brain Point (Heavy Point stance, Arm Point strength, Walk Point speed, Horn Point horns, Jump Point legs, and Guard Point hair). It naturally comes with an incredible increase in strength as well as height, even dwarfing the already inhumanly tall Kumadori and Bartholomew Kuma. As well, in this form Chopper's body seems to become incredibly dense and durable, as Kumadori could not harm Chopper with his Shigan and Rankyaku attacks.

The true limits of Chopper's strength in this form are as-of-yet unknown, but Doctor Kureha once told Chopper that after he had used it for the first time, he managed to level an entire village on Drum Island. While in this form, he is capable of defeating very powerful opponents with ease. The prime example is CP9 member Kumadori, who was effortlessly defeated and thrown several miles away; Chopper's roar alone was fearsome enough to disable some of Kumadori's techniques. Another example was Sentomaru, who was forced into using his axe and still had difficulty fighting Chopper. When Franky (in Chopper's body) began to rampage in this form, Luffy was forced to use his "Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun" technique to stop him (which had previously only been used to defeat opponents such as the Kraken and an Energy Steroid-enhanced Hody Jones.

There were, however, two serious downsides to this form. The first was that before the timeskip, Chopper lost consciousness upon entering this form, meaning that it was no more than a berserker. Kureha even commented on this form being that of a true monster; a danger to friend, foe, and even Chopper himself. That statement reflected the form's second weakness: as Zoro observed, this transformation was potentially lethal to Chopper, as the amount of energy needed to maintain the form was too much for his body to handle. There were only two ways to end this form: an unspecified amount of time passing for when the Rumble Ball wears off (a period of less than three days, given that he was sent flying by Kuma while in Monster Point and landed in his Brain Point form), or when Chopper's Devil Fruit powers are negated by standard Devil Fruit weaknesses such as sea water, as demonstrated by Franky, when he blasted him into the sea. Either way, Chopper is rendered temporarily unable to move once he returns to normal due to stress placed on his body. At first, this form was not given a proper name. After the time-skip, Chopper has gained the ability to keep control of himself and communicate coherently while in this form which he named

  • Monster Point (怪物強化(モンスターポイント) Monsutā Pointo though his voice is significantly deeper. It is now the only form he needs a Rumble Ball for and, by eating one, he can stay in it for three minutes. However, it still requires a colossal amount of energy to use; after reverting to normal, Chopper is too exhausted to move for approximately 2–3 hours.
  • Upgraded Monster Point: With immense reluctance, Chopper understood the logic in captive Caesar Clown's criticisms about the brevity of Monster Point, as Caesar notes opponents in the New World would take far longer than mere minutes to defeat. Despite Chopper's disgust at Caesar's immorality, they cooperated to create a Rumble Ball that would unlock an Upgraded Monster Point. The new version could last thirty minutes, however, the side effect of it running out now changes Chopper into a tinier form that is concurrently extremely elderly and a baby, which lasts for a few hours until he pops back to his normal form, however, he can't take another Rumble Ball for at least a day due to the strain it would put on his body.

Other Combative Capabilities[]

In addition to the transformational advantages that Chopper's many forms afford him in battle, he has also been known to employ wrestling-type moves (i.e.pinning down an opponent, or smashing them to the ground by means of supplex) from time to time. His extensive knowledge of the bipedal anatomy has also proved useful when the Straw Hats were trying to bring down Oars, during which time, Chopper formulated several theories on where it was best to target the colossal adversary, and finding the giant's weak spot. And while naive, he can also be quite a capable strategist, as seen in his fights against the Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas pair and Gedatsu.

Chopper, who was originally an animal, is also capable of communicating with and understanding other animals, which has come in handy during certain points in the story. He also has a sensitive nose that can be used for tracking others (except during rainy weather). But because his nose is so sensitive, strong aromas such as perfumes can irritate his sense of smell.

Chopper also seems to have a technique called Tranquilizer (sometimes translated as Sedative, as is the case with the English manga), which involves Chopper injecting a substance, possibly an anesthetic, into the opponents body making them faint. This was first used on Luffy when he had a hallucination of a tsunami about to hit them while walking to Yuba in the Alabasta Desert, and it was later used in order to stop a group of rampaging giant children on Punk Hazard, with some assistance from the G-5 Marines.

After the two-year timeskip, he is seen being able to perform formidable martial art maneuvers with his new form called, "Kung Fu Point", and is now able to produce a new "Horn Point" with larger "Stag Beetle" like antlers which are useful for digging in the ground at high speeds, along with a new and improved "Guard Point" which is now able to grow big and strong enough to protect the Thousand Sunny from one of the Kraken's tentacle's. He also tells of how he only needs the Rumble Ball for one of his forms which was revealed to be his unnamed, "Monster" form.


  • Inability to swim: As a devil fruit user, Chopper cannot able to swim and leaving him drowning.
  • Seastone: Like other devil fruit users, Chopper is vulnerable to Seastone.
  • Haki Users: As a devil fruits, Chopper is more vulnerable to Busoshoku Haki users.


  • Chopper is possibly based on Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, due to the fact that he's a reindeer with an unusually colored nose that caused his family to shun him and his birthday is on Christmas Eve.
  • In the third character popularity poll of One Piece, Chopper ranked at #4 with 2725 votes, just topping Nico Robin with 2644 votes and distantly behind Sanji's 6235 votes. He was described as "Majorly popular for his cuteness and drive!"
  • As his nickname implies, Chopper has a sweet tooth and loves cotton candy and chocolate. He does not like spicy food.
  • There is a running gag that everyone that first sees Chopper thinks he is a raccoon; other animals are also cited, but never what he actually is of reindeer.


Tony Tony Chopper (1) Heroes

Four Emperors
Shanks |Edward Newgate† |Monkey D. Luffy

New World
Pirate Crews
Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy | Roronoa Zoro | Nami (Zeus) | Usopp |Sanji |Tony Tony Chopper |Nico Robin |Franky |Brook |Jinbe

Straw Hat Grand Fleet
Representatives: Cavendish |Bartolomeo |Sai |Ideo |Leo |Hajrudin |Orlumbus
Crew Members: Suleiman | Gambia |Boo |Baby 5 |Chinjao |Blue Gilly |Abdullah |Jeet |Bomba |Rampo |Bian |Kabu |Inhel |Cotton |Wicca |Baxcon |Daikon |Flapper |Bobomba |Maujii |Nubon |Pellini |Chao |Stansen |Road |Goldberg |Gerd |Columbus

Whitebeard Pirates
Edward Newgate † |Marco |Portgas D. Ace † |Kozuki Oden † |Jozu |Vista |Blamenco |Rakuyo |Namur | Blenheim |Curiel |Kingdew |Haruta |Atmos |Speed Jiru |Fossa |Izo |Little Oars Jr. |Kozuki Toki

Red Haired Pirates
Shanks |Benn Beckman
Senior Officers: Lucky Roo |Yasopp |Limejuice |Bonk Punch |Monster |Building Snake |Hongo |Gab
Others: Rockstar |Uta

Heart Pirates
Trafalgar D. Water Law |Bepo |Jean Bart |Penguin |Shachi |Ikkaku |Uni |Clione |Hakugan

Kuja Tribe
Boa Hanco*ck |Boa Sandersonia |Boa Marigold |Gloriosa ‡ |Shakuyaku ‡ |Ran |Cosmos |Daisy |Rindo |Blue Fan |Marguerite |Sweet Pea |Aphelandra |Poppy |Kikyo |Belladonna |Nerine |Pansy |Enishida |Dahlia

Roger Pirates
Gol D. Roger † |Silvers Rayleigh |Scopper Gaban |Crocus |Shanks |Kozuki Oden † |Kozuki Toki † |Inuarashi |Nekomamushi

Giant Warrior Pirates
Dorry |Brogy |Kashii |Oimo |

Others Groups
Kozuki Clan
Kozuki Oden † |Kozuki Toki † |Kozuki Momonosuke |Kozuki Hiyori |Tama |Shinobu |Kozuki Sukiyaki
Nine Red Scabbards: Kin'emon |Inuarashi |Nekomamushi |Raizo |Kawamatsu |Ashura Doji † |Denjiro |Kikunojo

Mink Tribe
Inuarashi |Nekomamushi |Carrot |Wanda |Pedro † |Zepo |Shishilian |Concelot |Giovanni |Bepo |Lindbergh

Revolutionary Army
Monkey D. Dragon |Sabo
Army Commanders: Emporio Ivankov |Karasu |Belo Betty |Morley |Lindbergh
Deputy Commanders:Inazuma | Jiron |Ahiru |Ushiano |Gambo
Officers: Bartholomew Kuma |Koala
Others: Ginny |Hack |Terry Gilteo |Bunny Joe

World Government
Admirals: Borsalino |Issho |Kuzan
Vice Admirals:Monkey D. Garp |Tsuru |Smoker |T Bone
SWORD: X Drake |Koby |Helmeppo |Prince Grus |Hibari |Kujaku
Others:Sengoku |Tashigi |Donquixote Rosinante †|Regis |Hina |Isuka

Seven Warlord of the Sea
Bartholomew Kuma ‡ |Boa Hanco*ck ‡ |Jinbe ‡ |Trafalgar D. Water Law

Special Science Group
Vegapunk |Sentomaru |Stussy
Satellites:Shaka | Lilith | Edison | Pythagoras | Atlas

Impel Down
Magellan |Bentham

Riku Dold III |Viola |Scarlett † |Rebecca |Kyros

Nefertari Vivi |Nefertari Cobra

Ryugu Kingdom
King Neptune |Otohime † |f*ckaboshi |Manboshi |Shirahoshi

Donquixote Family
Donquixote Homing † |Donquixote Rosinante †|Donquixote Mjosgard

Shakuyaku |Hatchan |Yamato |Vinsmoke Reiju |Jewelry Bonney |Portgas D. Rouge † |Hiriluk |Jaguar D. Saul |Clover |Paulie |Iceburg |Kappa |Apis |Kaya |Nojiko |Seira |Hiramera |Mero |Nika |Trafalgar Lami † |Mousse † |Takao |Russian † |Johnny |Kobato |Desire |Luca |Ann |Livia † |Amanda |Ever |Carina |Uta |Shimotsuki Ryuma

See Also
One Piece Live-Action Heroes

Tony Tony Chopper (2024)


Why does Vivi call Chopper Tony? ›

She calls everyone with (first name)-san with two exceptions: she calls Chopper 'Tony-kun', because he's younger than her and technically joins after she does so they're on more even footing, and she calls Zoro 'Mister Bushido' (yes, 'Mister' is actually sounded out in the Japanese), which is a holdover from her ...

Why does Chopper have two Tonys in his name? ›

A running gag is that various characters in One Piece think Chopper is a tanuki (raccoon-dog, often simply translated as "a raccoon") while in his Brain Point or hybrid form. The word "tonakai", which is the Japanese word for "reindeer", is where the "Tony" in Chopper's name is derived from.

What is Tony Tony Chopper's strongest form? ›

And if a third one is taken, Chopper transforms into a massive, super strong monstrosity, known as Monster Point, which causes him to lose his mind and go berserk. This form also requires lethal amounts of energy to keep active, making Chopper a danger to both himself as well as others, friend and foe alike.

Why is the Chopper bounty so low? ›

Probably because they regard Chopper as the Strawhat's pet, which is kinda funny, considering all of them would be dead (multiple times over) if not for his medical expertise. Heck, if their had the right intel, they would know that killing Chopper could cripple Luffy and his crew in the long run.

Why does Franky call Nami a girl? ›

Franky will often treat Nami like a younger sister calling her "girl" ironic since he is way more childish than her.

Who is Chopper in love with? ›

Chopper became highly infatuated with the female reindeer mink, Milky. When she rubbed against his cheek and called him "Doctor Chopper", Chopper fell over dazed in a very Sanji-like manner, complete with love hearts in his eyes, causing Usopp to wonder what had come over the usually platonic Chopper.

Who is the weakest straw hat? ›

Nami was one of the first characters to join the Straw Hat Pirates, and remains an extremely important character to the story. When it comes to strength, she's the weakest member of the crew, which is why she often relies on clever tricks and strategies in battle.

What is Chopper's weakest form? ›

For Chopper, however, it's a tad different. His Hybrid Form, Brain Point, is by far his weakest transformation form. Rather than boosting his offense and whatnot, it reduces him into a chibi mascot with zero firepower whatsoever.

Can Chopper beat Wapol? ›

Later on, following the Straw Hats for revenge, the crew finally found themselves back on their home island, and Wapol decided to return to his throne. However, he was defeated by Luffy and Chopper.

Why is Chopper's nose blue? ›

She explains that Chopper had a difficult past because he was born with a blue nose. After he had eaten the devil fruit, he became even more different than the other reindeer. Being hated and feared by both reindeer and humans, he was left all by himself.

Is Chopper really that weak? ›

At some point in his life, he ate a Devil Fruit and gained the ability to turn into a human at will. Although Chopper was fairly weak at first, he gained a lot of knowledge and developed a drug known as the Rumble Ball, which grants him several transformations.

Why is Chopper so childish? ›

Chopper often acts very childish because he is innocent and does not know any better. Besides being naïve, he is also extremely shy towards strange humans, especially before meeting the crew.

Why does Vivi call Zoro as Mr. Bushido? ›

They initially meet under tense circ*mstances, with Vivi's undercover status as a bounty hunter forcing her to face him in combat. When she underestimates his fighting prowess, she greets him by calling him "Mr. Bushido," the word bushido referring to the ethical code that samurai live by.

What is Tony Tony Chopper's real name? ›

Tony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー, Tonī Tonī Choppā), otherwise known as "Cotton Candy Lover" and "Emergency Food" is a fictional character in the manga series One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda. He is the sixth member to join and the doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates.

What is Vivi nicknames One Piece? ›

Vivi debuted as one of the main antagonists of the Reverse Mountain Arc as a Bounty Hunter, under the Baroque Works codename Miss Wednesday.

Why does Zoro love Chopper? ›

Among the Straw Hats, Chopper's small-like physique and cuteness make him seem like someone to protect. As for Chopper, even though he relies on and believes in his crew members, Zoro seems like his go-to man when everything goes awry or he senses danger. Perhaps, being the first crew member makes him more dependable.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.