Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (2024)

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Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (13)Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (14)

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Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (16)

Ulike Air 3


Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (17)

90% Hair Reduction in 4 Weeks

Visible results in just 2 weeks

Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (19)

Unrivaled Skin Protection

Sapphire-Ice Cooling and UV filter

$229 $329

Copy Code: $100 OFF


Pay now or 4 interest-free payments of $57.25 with

90-Day Easy Money Back

Free Shipping

2-Year Warranty

IPL vs. Clinical Laser

Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (20)

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Air it all out.

Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (21)Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (22)

Our Hair-free Guarantee

Your happiness is our top priority. If it's not what you hoped for, enjoy a hassle-free full refund.

Can everyone use IPL?

Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (23)Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (24)

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal works by emitting intense light pulses that are absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles. The absorbed light is then converted into heat, which targets the hair follicles and inhibits future hair growth.

It is important to note that IPL is most effective on individuals with lighter skin tones and darker hair colors. This is because the light energy is primarily absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair. In individual's skin that's rich in melanin, the excess melanin can also absorb the light energy, leading to potential skin damage.

Similarly, IPL may not be as effective on individuals with light hair colors such as blonde, gray, or red. This is because these hair colors have less melanin content, making it challenging for the IPL device to target the hair follicles effectively.

To ensure the effectiveness and safety of IPL hair removal, we recommend users to refer to the provided skin tone chart before making a purchase.

I’m not familiar with IPL. Is it safe?

IPL is a clinically-backed method for long-term hair removal. Air 3 is FDA cleared, expert backed, clinically tested and complys with international regulation standards. It’s safe, effective, and convenient.

Who should not use IPL?

IPL hair removal device is not recommended if you have any of the following:

- A known skin disorder

- Skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis, eczema, etc.

- Photosensitive epilepsy or Photosensitivity

- Are menstruating, pregnant, or lactating

- Dark black or Sunburnt skin (please refer to the skin tone chart)

- Broken skin, a scab or healed wound, cancer or hemangioma

- Any artificial aesthetic, prosthetic, or plastic area

- Tattoo area

Why choose IPL technology for hair removal?

IPL, or intense pulsed light, uses strong pulses of broad-spectrum light to target hair at the root. The light is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle, where it is then converted into heat, resulting in thinner regrowth and eventually stopping hair growth altogether. Ulike IPL devices are FDA cleared and offer a cost-effective, convenient solution compared to clinic laser and traditional methods of hair removal.

I have PCOS. Is it suitable for me?

Air 3 IPL hair removal is designed to provide long-term hair reduction, even for those with persistant or abnormal hair growth. We recommend consulting with your healthcare professional for specific PCOS related questions before beginning IPL treatment.

How often should I use this product?

We recommend using the device three times a week for the first month to achieve the best results. After that, you can use it once every two weeks or once a month for touch-ups as needed.

Furthermore, we advise tailoring your usage according to your hair growth. If you encounter areas with thicker hair or stubbornness, feel free to elevate the gear level and frequency of usage. Always pay attention to your skin's response and adjust accordingly to ensure your comfort and avoid any discomfort or adverse effects.

Does IPL hair remover hurt?

IPL hair removal is generally considered to be much less painful and nearly as effective as laser hair removal. Additionally, Ulike is the only company that employs Sapphire Ice-Cooling technology to ensure completely Painless sessions.

Can I use the device on all parts of my body?

Yes, you can use Ulike IPL devices on almost every part of your body. However, please avoid using it directly on your genitals, eyes, tattooed areas or parts of the skin with open wounds. To ensure your comfort, we recommend treating sensitive areas such as the bikini area, inner thighs, and buttocks with the lowest power level.

Ulike Air 3 (Subscriber Exclusive Discount) (2024)


How many times can you use Ulike Air3? ›

Use 3 times per week during your first month, twice per week during the second and third month, and finally once every month to maintain. Our in-house beauty tech experts answer your most commonly asked questions. Is my skin compatible with the Ulike Sapphire Air 3?

Does Ulike give permanent results? ›

Ulike IPL Laser Hair Removal Handset for Women and Men, Pain-free and Permanent Results at Home - Walmart.com.

Can you use Ulike for Brazilian? ›

This is so worth every penny. I have been using it every other day, shaving smooth prior to use each time. I use it on my full legs, Brazilian area, and armpits.

How many flashes does Ulike hair removal have? ›

The flash of this Ulike Sapphire IPL hair removal device is a single person unlimited number of rounds, a person is not used up Oh, a single person to carry out a full body hair removal only need about 3200 flash!

Does Ulike have to be plugged in to work? ›

Thanks for reaching out to us. The laser hair removal device needs to be plugged in all the time when you using it. And the cord length is 5 feet.

How often should I use Ulike IPL? ›

Use 3 times per week during your first month, twice per week during the second and third month, and finally once every month to maintain.

Is Ulike Air3 worth it? ›

If effortless, nearly pain-free hair removal leading to a smooth body is your goal, then the ULIKE AIR 3 is an absolute essential. Its effectiveness, combined with minimal discomfort, makes it a game-changer in the realm of at-home hair removal.

Does Ulike permanently remove hair? ›

If you hate shaving and are looking for permanent solution to unwanted hair, ULike devices are a great option.

Can Ulike be used on private parts? ›

Yes, Ulike IPL devices can be used on nearly every part of your body. However, please refrain from using them directly on your genitals, eyes, tattooed areas, birthmarks, or on skin with open wounds. Will hair ever regrow in the areas treated by IPL? Each individual's body and hair growth vary.

Does Ulike work on pubes? ›

Ulike Sapphire Air+ is suitable for treating facial hair, bikini line, underarms, legs and arms. Use the cooling technology to use comfortably on intimate areas. Choose from 5 energy settings and be in complete control of your IPL treatments for effective hair reduction by 90% in just 4 weeks.

Is Ulike hair removal FDA approved? ›


The devices are FDA-approved, clinically tested and dermatologist recommended.

What are the side effects of Ulike laser hair removal? ›

However, like any medical procedure, there are inherent risks involved, albeit minimal. Common side effects of Ulike Laser Hair Removal include redness, swelling, and skin irritation, which are usually temporary and subside within a few days.

Can I use Ulike two days in a row? ›

Can I Use an IPL Hair Removal Device Every Other Day? Well, theoretically, you can use an IPL device every other day. Just like Ulike Air3 is used on alternate days for 1st 3 weeks to target maximum hair in its active stage. However, using it every other day every time you use is definitely not worth it.

Does Ulike affect tattoos? ›

We don't recommend using IPL over scars or tattoos because it causes heat-build and pain in these areas.

Is Ulike IPL safe? ›

The Ulike IPL hair removal device is also clinically tested and has gotten certifications from not only the FDA and is recommended by dermatologists but also clinically tested for its safety and effectiveness.

How often should you use Ulike hair removal? ›

For 99% Hair Removal:

You need to do 1 session per month to stay hairless and keep hair regrowth in check. Within 3 weeks of regular usage of Ulike Air, you will be able to say bye to 99% of your hair.

Can I use Ulike IPL everyday? ›

So, 2 sessions are all you should do each week. You can also try 3 sessions per week if your hair is very stubborn. Depending on the efficiency of the IPL device, the initial treatment can last for 4 to 12 weeks. Once 90% or more of your hair stop regrowing, you can stick to maintenance sessions.

How often can I use Braun IPL 3? ›

For this reason, we recommend a start-up phase of 4-12 weekly treatments to achieve optimum results. If you no longer see hair growing, you do not need to complete the full 12 weekly treatments. You can switch to maintenance treatments.

How often can I use my Philips IPL? ›

We recommend using Philips Lumea once every two weeks for the first four treatments to achieve significant hair reduction results. To maintain these results, repeat the treatments every 4 weeks for 8 times. The results may vary based on your individual hair regrowth and also across different body areas.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.