The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event Overview (2025)

Confront the memories of Azeroth during the new pre-expansion event and collect Residual Memories to purchase new items to add to your Warband collection.

When: July 30 – August 26
Where: Dalaran (hub), Dragonblight, Dustwallow Marsh, and Searing Gorge
Currency: Residual Memories – Half forgotten memories can be glimpsed in the light playing across this iridescent powder.

Players with and without The War Within™ will be able to take part in this event for its duration.

Confronting Memories

Players who have reached level 70 will receive a quest pushed to them which will direct them to visit Dalaran to start.

The event occurs in four stages and cycles between three zones. Portals in Dalaran will be available to take you directly to the event staging area and a return portal is available in each of the event zones so that players can quickly return to Dalaran and head into the next occurrence of the event. When the event is active in a zone, the portal will have an additional golden glow to indicate that it is active.

  • During the first week of the event, zones will cycle every 90 minutes.
  • During the second week of the event, zones will cycle every 60 minutes.
  • During the third and fourth weeks of the event, zones will cycle every 30 minutes.

Stage 1

During the first stage of the event, players will need to defeat the Congealed Memories that will appear in the zone and the memories around it.

Stage 2

Defeat the radiant echoes causing havoc in the zone. There are six random events that are active within the zone that can be seen on the map (M). Event locations throughout the stages are marked by a multicolor globe.

Stage 3

You’ll be able to undertake a quest in each zone during the event that will ask for you to defeat one of the event bosses as follows:

  • Only Darkness: Remembered Lich King Slain (Dragonblight)
  • Broken Masquerade: Remembered Onyxia Slain (Dustwallow Marsh)
  • Champion of the Waterlords: Remembered Firelord Slain (Searing Gorge)

Please note that once the boss is defeated by players, Stage 4 will begin and the boss will no longer be available to kill for the quest completion until the event begins in the zone again.

Stage 4

In stage four, the Radiant Echoes have subsided. Players can choose to return to Dalaran or stay within the zone to slay lingering memories to continue to accrue Residual Memories. A timer within the zone the Residual Memories are still active in will count down to the next zone event. Players can return to Dalaran and take the portal to the next zone that goes active.


Players will be able to accumulate Residual Memories to use to purchase items from various vendors in each of the zones. You can keep track of how much Residual Memories you’ve collected by opening Character Info (Hotkey- C) and the currency tab under the War Within dropdown.

  • Dalaran: Remembrancer Amuul in Chamber of the Guardian
  • Dragonblight: Echo of the Silver Hand at Wyrmrest Temple
  • Dustwallow Marsh: Forgotten Hero at Tabetha’s Farm
  • Searing Gorge: Memory of a Duke in the Iron Summit

Players who purchase the Lifeless Stone Ring will be able to collect memories throughout the three event zones to combine into essences and infuse it with power creating the Band of Radiant Echoes (item level 227) heirloom ring.

  • Essence of the Eastern Kingdoms
  • Essence of Kalimdor
  • Essence of Northrend

Gear will begin at item level 480 with some room for upgrades. Here’s what you can look forward to:

Item NameCostItem Type/Tooltip
Lifeless Stone Ring25 Residual MemoriesUse: Infuse with the Essences of Azeroth to restore its power. "An ancient titan ring that has faded with time. Perhaps it can be restored." Heirloom Ring
Defender's Hefty Satchel2000 Residual Memories32 Slot Bag
Remembered Golden Gryphon20000 Residual MemoriesUse: Teaches you how to summon this mount. The capabilities of this mount depend on your Riding skill and location (Alliance only- Skyriding)
Remembered Wind Rider20,000 Residual MemoriesUse: Teaches you how to summon this mount. The capabilities of this mount depend on your Riding skill and location (Horde only- Skyriding)
Recruit's Reagent Bag2000 Residual Memories30 Slot Reagent Bag
Remembered Spawn10,000 Residual MemoriesUse: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Remembered Construct10,000 Residual MemoriesUse: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Remembered Riverpaw10,000 Residual MemoriesUse: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Pendant of the Mage City2000 Residual MemoriesNeck Item
Remembrancer's Radiant Jewels2000 Residual MemoriesNeck Item
Dalaran Defender's Favor2000 Residual MemoriesFinger Item/ring
Ring of Returning Memories2000 Residual MemoriesFinger Item/ring
Faded Ebony Scale2000 Residual MemoriesTrinket
Shriveled Ancient Tentacle2000 Residual MemoriesTrinket
Weathered Northrend Sigil2000 Residual MemoriesTrinket
Dalaran Defender's Shawl2000 Residual MemoriesBack
Dalaran Defender's Drape2000 Residual MemoriesBack
Dalaran Defender's Cloak2000 Residual MemoriesBack
Dalaran Defender's Cape2000 Residual MemoriesBack
Dalaran Defender's Clasp3500 Residual MemoriesWaist (Plate)
Dalaran Defender's Greatbelt3500 Residual MemoriesWaist (Cloth)
Dalaran Defender's Buckle3500 Residual MemoriesWaist (Leather)
Dalaran Defender's Cinch3500 Residual MemoriesWaist (Mail)
Dalaran Defender's Bracers2000 Residual MemoriesWrist (Plate)
Dalaran Defender's Wraps2000 Residual MemoriesWrist (Leather)
Dalaran Defender's Clasps2000 Residual MemoriesWrist (Cloth)
Dalaran Defender's Armguards2000 Residual MemoriesWrist (Mail)
Dalaran Defender's Grips3500 Residual MemoriesHands (Leather)
Dalaran Defender's Grips3500 Residual MemoriesHands (Mail)
Dalaran Defender's Mitts3500 Residual MemoriesHands (Cloth)
Dalaran Defender's Gauntlets3500 Residual MemoriesHands (Plate)
Dalaran Defender's Boots3500 Residual MemoriesFeet (Plate)
Dalaran Defender's Loafers3500 Residual MemoriesFeet (Cloth)
Dalaran Defender's Treads3500 Residual MemoriesFeet (Leather)
Dalran Defender's Stompers3500 Residual MemoriesFeet (Mail)
Dalaran Defender's Greaves5000 Residual MemoriesLegs (Plate)
Dalaran Defender's Legguards5000 Residual MemoriesLegs (Mail)
Dalaran Defender's Pants5000 Residual MemoriesLegs (Leather)
Dalaran Defender's Leggings5000 Residual MemoriesLegs (Cloth)
Dalaran Defender's Breastplate5000 Residual MemoriesChest (Plate)
Dalran Defender's Chainmail5000 Residual MemoriesChest (Mail)
Dalaran Defender's Tunic5000 Residual MemoriesChest (Leather)
Dalaran Defender's Robes5000 Residual MemoriesChest (Cloth)
Dalran Defender's Mantle3500 Residual MemoriesShoulder (Cloth)
Dalaran Defender's Shoulderblades3500 Residual MemoriesShoulder (Leather)
Dalaran Defender's Spaulders3500 Residual MemoriesShoulder ((Plate)
Dalaran Defender's Epaulets3500 Residual MemoriesShoulder (Mail)
Dalaran Defender's Helm5000 Residual MemoriesHead (Plate)
Dalaran Defender's Helmet5000 Residual MemoriesHead (Mail)
Dalaran Defender's Coronet5000 Residual MemoriesHead (Cloth)
Dalaran Defender's Mask5000 Residual MemoriesHead (Leather)
Dalaran Defender's Dirk4000 Residual MemoriesDagger
Dalaran Defender's Dagger5000 Residual MemoriesDagger
Dalaran Defender's Sabre4000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Sword
Dalaran Defender's Scepter5000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Mace
Dalaran Defender's Crusher4000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Mace
Dalaran Defender's Mace4000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Mace
Dalaran Defender's Wand5000 Residual MemoriesWand
Dalaran Defender's Spear8000 Residual MemoriesPolearm
Dalaran Defender's Impaler8000 Residual MemoriesPolearm
Dalaran Defender's Aegis3000 Residual MemoriesShield
Dalaran Defender's Hammer8000 Residual MemoriesTwo-Hand Mace
Dalaran Defender's Club8000 Residual MemoriesTwo-Hand Mace
Dalaran Defender's Broadsword8000 Residual MemoriesTwo-Hand Sword
Dalaran Defender's Greatsword8000 Residual MemoriesTwo-Hand Sword
Dalaran Defender's Battlestaff8000 Residual MemoriesStaff
Dalaran Defender's Spire8000 Residual MemoriesStaff
Dalaran Defender's Conduit3000 Residual MemoriesOff-Hand
Dalaran Defender's Blade4000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Sword
Dalaran Defender's Spellblade5000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Sword
Dalaran Defender's Bolter8000 Residual MemoriesCrossbow
Dalaran Defender's Carver4000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Axe
Dalaran Defender's Hatchet5000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Axe
Dalaran Defender's Battleaxe4000 Residual MemoriesOne-Hand Axe

We look forward to seeing which memories from Azeroth’s history you confront during this event!

The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event Overview (2025)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.