The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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Continued on Page 15 Special Notices PORTLAND MAINE or Your actory reedom from industrial troubles avorable public sentiment Cheap power light and water Strategic loca tion fine harbor Water and rail com petition Rich home market Near raw materials Every civic advantage Low living cost Live CHAMBER COMMERCE WRITE TO DAY OR DETAILS CHAMBER COMMERCE 420 Exchange St PORTLAND MAINE Store and Office Supplies supply co? Em eeley Mgr laa The Edison Disk Mimeograph BNr 30 EBP makes 5000 copies from II ftS? an original in one hour fH WST Motor driven 11A njiQ Self feeding ga aflr3S Let us tell 3OU about it UVjK PCOMMERCIAL Wall Paper Paints Etc OR LAT WALL PAINT Use Bridgeport Stand ard Washotint Handsome color card showing newest decorative ideas sent on mail or tel request Used In Springfield Municipal Group NEW ENGLAND PAINT SUPPLY CO 16 TAYLOR ST TEL 56 Detectives ENGLAND DETECTIVE AND SE jN CRET SERVICE BUREAU POSITIVE EVIDENCE SECURED WHERE IT EX ISTS ROOM 427 21 ELM ST Tel 4098 JOHN HICKEY Principal Manufacturers CHENEY BIGELOW WIRE WORKS Bank and Office Railings I Elevator Enclosures TEL 1386 SPRINGIELD MASS HAMPDEN BRASS COMPANY Brass Bronze and Aluminum Castings Brass inishing 262 Liberty Street Springfield TENTS Of All Kinds and Sizes OR SALE AND TO RENT BURGIN BROS Tel 867 96 and 98 ADAMS ST Building Materials SHEA INC DEALERS IN MASON SUPPLIES Sewer Pipe Metal Lath ace Brick Asphalt Shingles Certain Teed Roofing 36 LYMAN STREET TWISTED RODS OR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION IRClN STEEL METALS WIRE BOLTS NUTS BEAMS CHANNELS ANGLES CUT TO LENGTH THE CHARLES LEWIS CO Spectacles and Eyeglasses GO TO GORDON THE OPTICIAN TO get your eyes fitted with glasses 119 State st Business Real Estate 1 i BRINKERHO Business Real Es tatc 308 Main st HAMPDEN COUNTY PALMER Continued from Page 121 sports at orest lake Saturday are on ex hibition in Ecker's window Albert Senecal of Pleasant street Three Rivers was the recent guest of bamuei Hartley in Eagleville Thomas Ritchie rank Twiss and Mau rice Lawlor were the guests Tuesday friends in West Warren Mrs Martha Mills of I 1 tn guest of her son John Mills in Daniel ogarty of Three la entertaining her grandson John Kieiy of Holyoke vens the Mrs Joseph Kengnn of fnre was tn guest Tuesday of Mrs Twiss in Three James Hartnett and Edgar Gervais of Three Rivers left Tuesday for a trip through Canada i rphre Miss Ella Bumps of Main street 1 Rivers loft the first of the week for visit v'ith relatives in Three Riv Miss Margaret Campbell ot Tlnee Ki ers is spending her vacation at PMrrriltivnton has resumed his in the office of the Palmer mill after twn wwks vacation nrc Miss Mary McCullough of Three who wns the guest of relatives in West Warren has returned home Contra! Mr and Mrs A Darker of Co ntrai trcet have gone to Spofford Lake for a outing Mr and Mrs Mills of Three Rvers are entertaining Mr Mills si ter Samuel Jamison of West week itod in Three Rivers the first of the week Elton Chamberlin of Three Rivers is guest of relatives in oodstock cr The annual reunion of the Morse fn uilv wil be held to day at orest lake George Horan of Springfield I was the re cent "nest of relatives in Thtee The Bov scouts of Three Rivers held a business me tine last evening Union ermrne of Belchertown will pic lake to day Miss Irone Dupont of Three Rivers is enjoying a vacation WALES LEATH JAMES WALKER Town Lose Vnlnnble Wns sitious clerk of the er of weights both positions Civil War Veteran The funeral of Tames Walker will be at his home this afternoon at 1 elock In the death of Mr Walker the town has st one of its most valuable and trusted officers During the 35 years that he had 1 0 be had lici various oiuim At 'he time of his death he was bonirt of selectmen ana sear and measures having neia for several years He had iv rmtt rears He nlso served as Ct was born in the town of oodstck phruqrv 10 1S42 rhe son of James Walker and Mary Hiseock During civil war he served Ins country foi more than three vears He enlisted in Co of the 4th Massachusetts infantry and was clerk for the provost marshal at No hern He enlisted again in Co of the 2d Massachusetts heavy artillery in which company he held the position of corporal He was stationed at I ort and took part in the battle of Kingston Mr Walker married in 1S67 Miss Marjett Handy of Newton He had been engaged in farming most of his life although he taught school in his younger days and was employed in the factories of Wales tor some vears He had been secretary of the Wales veteran association since its organization He was a member of the Baptist church Rev IL mith have charge of the funeral The burial will be iu the family lot in the terv Mr Walker was one of a family ot three children and is survived by a broth er Albertus Walker of Staffordville and a sister Mrs Jennie Baker of Eastford Ct Mr Walker leaves a son Heniy Walker of "Wales a daughter Mrs lor ence Sowerbutts of itchburg and two grandsons LONGMEADOW Herbert Cronk and Don Ballou and their children of Lincoln road expect to leave to morrow for their vacations at their old home iu Swanzey 11 ine old homestead is that of their grandfather who was the original character that Den man made famous as Josn Belle Claire street is being rapidly bunt up this season Mr and Mrs Gustave Smith have moved to their new home on this street making 1 Smith families Longmeadow A new house recently com pleted on the south side has been sold to Walter Gunn who expects to move in next week Mr and Mrs William Lawton have received a telegram of the safe arrival of their daughter Miss Harriet Lawton at La Jolhi southern California where she has joined her sister Rachel and later will attend the Bishop school Airs George Ludden of Lincoln park is entertaining her sister Miss Pearl Townsend of Worcester who is spending her vacation in New York and Long meadow Miss Ruth Smith has returned from a visit of five weeks in onda and Amster dam Mills and Albert Hodge who have been several weeks with their grand mother in onda accompanied her home Mrs Charles Clapp of Providence is spending some time with her daugh ter and son in law Mr and Mrs Clin ton Reed Hillside terrace Miss lorence Kempton has returned from Burlington Vt where she found Harry Winter's family who recently left Longmeadow delightfully situated Mr und Mrs Albert Walters have re turned from their vacation in New York city They motored over the Mohawk trail and through tbo Berkshircs The two school buildings at the Center have been newly painted and look quite attractive Vining Borrner had the contract Mr and Mrs Stuart Chapin are spending two eeks' vacation at Wood mont Ct riends are occupying their place luring their absence Robert and James Kempton are taking their vacations nt Watch Hill and other summer resorts Mr and Mrs II Haymond Augur of Bliss road 1 It yesterday for two vacation in Boston and Brookline Mr ami Mrs Harold Lambert and Mrs Lambert's mother are spending their vacation iu Woodmont Ct Wight has gone to Blue Hill Me smnd some time with his son Wight Hi' or 'citer is quite fcobe an( nas required the attendance of a nurse the pist three weeks Miss Beatrice kite of Crescent road is spending some time in Westport HAMPSHIRE COUNTY BELCHnTOWN Girls Thrown rom Wagon Two girls cere thrown from the farm wagon of Mr O'Donnell Monday evening hen his horses started to run on South Main street after the breaking of the wliif fletree pin Mt O'Donnell succeeded in guiding the animals into II Curtis's barn Tim girls were not seriously hurt but suffered from the rervons shock Miss Marian Dimond of Bridgeport Ct is the guest of her grandmother Mrs Eliza Shumway 1 Hazen and family have gone to New York for the week Miss Ella Stebbins entertained her Sun day school class on Monday afternoon HAMPSHIRE COUNTY NORTHAMPTON THE EECT NO LICENSE lgnreN Compiled by Prof Stuart Chapin Show Itedoetlon in Arrests for Drnnkenness Compared With 1D14 Prof Stuart Chapin of Smith college writes as follows: no license has been in opertaion less than four months in Northampton it has already saved the taxpayers hundreds of dollars by causing a large reduction in the num ber of arrests for drunkenness The Northampton police records show that the number of arrests for drunkenness during the months of May June and July HG5 tinder no licenso was less than half the number of arrests for drunkenness under license for the corresponding months of 1915 Crime as indicated by the num ber of arrests for all causes has also been diminished by over 3 pei cent The aggregate number of months and days of sentences to the house of correction for drunkenness in' May June and July 1914 tinder license was five years eight months and five days as compared with aggregate sentences for drunkenness of only five months under no license in 1915 The official report of the Hampshire county jail (where drunkards are sentenced to the house of correction) states that it coSts 825472 a year to maintain the average prisoner At this rate of expense the tax payers were charged $1445 to maintain the men sentenced to the house of correc tion on account of drunkenness in May June and July" 191 1 under license where as the taxpayers were charged only $105 to maintain the much smaller number of men sentenced for drunkenness in Maylune and' July 1915 under no license Thus no license has already saved the tax payers $1340 over the corresponding months of last year "Placing over against the respective 1914 and 1915 costs of maintaining drunk ards sentenced to the house of correction the amount of revenue obtained from drunkard's fines which was $230 in 1914 and $155 in 1915 the loss of $1215 to the 1914 taxpayers has been converted into a net gain of $50 for the 1915 taxpayers "The following figures obtained from the police records and based upon the cost of maintaining a prisoner in the Hampshire county jail's house of correction will be of interest to taxpayers: license 1914 months of May June and Number of arrests for drunkenness 101: total number of arrests all causes 163: aggregate sentences to the house of correction for drunkenness in 1914 five rears eight months and five days: cost of maintenance of drunkards sentenced to the house of correc tion in 1914 $1445: receipts from flues in 1914 $230: net loss to taxpayers un der license in 1914 $1215 No license 1915 months of May June and July Number of arrests for drunkenness 49: total number of arrests all causes ill: ag gregate sentences to the house of correction for drunkenness in 1915 five months: cost of maintenance of drunkards sentenced to house of correction in 1915 $105 receipts from drunkard's fines in 1915 $155: net gain taxpayers under no llcense 1015 $50 CONVENTION Clinic of Post Grndnate Lectnrea and Demonstrations Exhibition of Sup plies Undertakers and their assistants from all over New England assembled in lor ence yesterday to attend a clinic of post graduate lectures The clinic was held in the quarters of the lorence furniture company The sub jects studied are derma surgery ultra embalming and permanent preservation The clinic is in charge of Prof George Weston Bates professor of derma surgery at the Eckels college of embalming in Philadelphia He is assisted by Horace Dolan of the same college The clinic will continue to day Three sessions are held each day at 930 in the morning at 2 in the afternoon and at 730 o'clock in the evening Instruction is given in all phases of the work with especial atten tion to accident cases There is a com plete exhibit of the products of the Eckels company and the lorence fur niture company consisting of burial cases and hardware together with all ac cessories SENTENCED OB THET Charles Willetts Appeals Horace Adams Says He Stole His Pocket Boole A sentence of one month in the house of correction for the larceny of $18 from Horace Adams was appealed yesterday by Charles Willetts of Amherst in dis trict court He gave sureties Both of the men were employed in the brickyard at South Amherst and Adams lives in a shanty near by The men and their wives frequently pay each other visits Adams had the $18 in a pocket book in the loft of his shanty above the scantlings and he knew it was there on the Sth Two days later he found the pocket book on the floor according to his testimony and the money gone The day before that he asserts that Willetts quit work some time before he did and when he returned to his shanty he saw Willets running across the Hampshire News Continued on Page 16J NEW YORK PREMIER PORT orty Eight Per Cent of Enormous oreign Trade Passed Through Em pire City The 10 principal customs ports of the United States handled 85 per cent or $37770001100 worth of the unprecedented American foreign trade in the fiscal year ending June 30 last amounting to $4443 000000 igures made public at Wash ington yesterday by the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce show that of the aggregate foreign trade 48 per cent or $21 25000000 passed through the port of New York In 1914 45 per cent or $1905 000000 passed through that port The total foreign trade passing through the other nine ports in 1915 as compared with 1944 follows: New Orleans $289 000 000 against $2S30000000 Boston 090000 against $226000000: Gal veston $240000000 against $208000000 $164000000against $161000 00O San rancisco $158000000 against $130000000 Baltimore $157000000 against X144 000000 Detroit $143000000 against Seattle Tacoma $136000 against $110000000 The grand to ts 1 of foreign trade this year compares with $4259000000 1914 The Harney company of Lynn shoe manufacturers made an assignment for the benefit of creditors yesterday Clif ton Colburne Cashier of the Manufactur national bank representing the cred itors was named ns assignee Efforts will be made to continue the operation of the factory which employs 450 hands and has an output of 50110 pairs of shoes daily At a New York auction sale yesterday of uiunettn cotton blankets 2200 cases prices were about 20 per' cent under the list and the whole offering was taken Cotton goods were quiet and yarns in bet ter demand Shirting silks and satin dress goods were in better call Staple worsted dress goods were active The weekly statement of the German Keiehsbank shows an increase in gold sup ply tf 1683000 marks ($420750) in steail of 17 502000 marks as given Mon day night THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18 1915 BUSINESS NEWS RECEIVER NAMED OR BUSH PRESIDENT WILL ACT Becourse to the Courts Necessary on Account of ailure to Agree on Beorganization Plan The Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain rail way system comprising 7000 miles was put into the hands of a receiver yesterday by Judge Adams of the United States dis trict court at St Louis This action fol lowed a special meeting of the directors Monday in York Bush presi dent of the company was appointed sole receiver Whil the action wns unexpected by 55 all street it has been known for some time that receivers might be appointed for the Missouri Pacific On June 2 last a plan was "announced for bringing about a "friendly of the company finances At that time it was offically stat ed that unless the proposed plan was ac cepted by he holders of the outstanding bonds and stock receivership would be nec essary Under the foregoing plan holders of the bonds and stock were asked to deposit their securities on or before August 16 'A special meeting of the directors was called Monday at which it was learned that com paratively few securities had been depos ited It developed yesterday that the receiver ship proceedings were agreed to because of the refusal of some of the security holders to agree to reorganization plan recently announced It is hoped under the protec tion of the federal court to bring about a reorganization the property meanwhile be ing conserved under the administration ot a single receiver familiar with the opera tion of the railroads President Bush is also president of the Denver and Rio Grande and president of the 55 estern la cific now in the hands of a receiver rhe two roads form with the Missouri Pacific the so called Gould transcontinental sys tem and constitute a through line from tot Louis to San rancisco ollowing the announcement from tt Louis that Bush had been appoint ed receh er the directors gave out the following statement at the New Yofk or flees of the the plan of readjustment dated Jnlv 1 1915 ivas announced it was hopea bv the boards of directors of the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain companies that securities would be promptly deposit ed in sufficient amounts to insure the suc cess of the plan and thereby to make it possible to secure adequate financial as distance to meet the interest payments ot September 1 1915 The reports of the depositaries under the plan show how ever that the deposits of securities are whollv insufficient for this purpose Missouri Pacific company is witli sufficient funds to meet its September 1 interest payments aggregating almost $2000000 The Iron Mountain company is already in default in respect of interest due Julv 1 and in the payment of other obligations and without means to rem edy such defaults Neither company is in a position to obtain the funds required to meet its financial requirements of the near future Accordingly and in order to preserve the assets or the two companies and in the interest of their creditors and stockholders the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain companies have consented to the appointment of a receiver and are placed that the court has appointed Mr Edward general solicitor of the Misourj Pacific system was appointed counsel to 'the receiver and George C' Hitchco*ck a St Iouis attorney was ap pointed master After his appointment as receiver President Bush gave out the fol lowing statement: receivership of the Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain lines con sidering the financial condition of both companies was the only alternative left to preserve the property and the various interests for the benefit of the creditors the stockholders and the public The con dition which necessitated this receivership was beyond my control The indebtedness of the property in large measure was created before my connection with the companies While the physical condition of the property has been materially bet tered within the last four years it has been impossible to create a financial con dition indispensable to their preservation without The London inancial Markets Money was plentiful at London yesterday discount rates were full but firm on the continued weakness of New York exchange Cable transfers touched $465 but later sold at $465 1 5 Some American money has been withdrawn from the market dur ing the last few days owing to lower rates The tone of the stock market was un decided Gold mines shares were better on the prevailing demand for gold and oil stocks continued firm but Canadian car reacted and the war loan was offered in connection with the payment of the instal ment due yesterday American securities were fairly active with the chief interest in United States steel and Canadian Pacific The closing was steady Consols for money 65 Grank Trunk 9 De Beers 9 Ranjd mines 4 Bar silver 22 13 16 per ounce Money 34 per cent Discount rates short bills 4 per cent Three months 5 per cent Auction of Green hut Assets Assets appraised at about $18000000 of the bankrupt department store firm of Greenhut company New York were put up at auction yesterday and bid in by Joseph Hartfield a lawyer repre senting the reorganization committee of se curity holders and the only bidder Mr Hartfield made a blanket bid of approxi mately $2250000 The assets are sub ject to claims aggregating about $12000 000 Mr Hartfield said that creditors could be paid in one of two ways: They could receive 22 per cent of their claims in cash or they could receive 12V per cent in cash and 15 per cent in stock in the new company whicn the reorganization com mittee proposes to start taking over the assets as a whole and operating the store for the benefit of security holders with Greenhut in charge It is expected that the creditors will decide which offer to take within the next 10 days Republic Steel Declares Dividend The Republic iron and steel company re sumed dividend payments at New York yesterday when the directors declared a regular quarterly dividend of 1 per cent on the preferred stock In 1914 dividends on the preferred stock amounting to 2 per cent were declared Later in the year however the regular disbursem*nt was omitted because of the war The extra dividend declared yesterday will apply on the accumulative or deferred dividends of which 12 per cent is still due An extra dividend of one quarter of 1 per cent was also declared on the preferred stock Jump in Price of Crude Oil The second advance in the price of the principal grades of crude oil within a week was announced at Pittsburg yesterday by the South Pennsylvania oil company the new prices being: Pennsylvania crude Real Estate D4RKETT If you want any tiling in Real Estate see Barrett 106 Main st Nortbamptou Larg est dealers in estern Mass rpWOHIG Real Estate Insur A ance US st Northampton OHN Reul Estate Insurance Masonic Block Northampton Mass THE NEW YORK STOCK MARKET 102 131 54 tEx divIdend Special Notices Contractors Clearings Balances 118 4 144 4 4 20 34 18 36 82 75 Asked 12 110 89 110 107 7 15 40 35 25 1144 56 27 58 144 54 102 Tuesday Monday A week ago Since January 1 A year ago 60 44 28 48 126 91 101 164 42 92 22 150 44 44 28 44 35 1 45 3 17(i 1 217 46 72 534 105 77 113 67 37 900 32000 500 1000 500 200 2100 71 117 106 181 36 76 102 44 11644 226 37 92 69 102 99 103 80 82 147 83 126 41 64 16 Alaska Gold Allis Chalmers do pref Am Beet Sugar do pref Am Can Am Car do pref Am Coal Brod Am Cotton Oil Am Hide do pref Am Ice Sec Am Linseed Am Locarno do pref Am Malt Am Smelting 101 163 41 92 22 147 45 98 8 12 4 7 5 14 3244 156 54 89 15 47 112 20 34l 20 29 45 35 45 17( 219 64 119 43 65 102 19 S31 762 103 115 140 6 21 62 5 33 4015 71 61 90 2 WAR SHARES REPEAT COURSE 99 11 15 4 83 123 80 5 14 33 157 56 90 16 48 120 107 106 4 147 29 132 81 36 22 713 52 3 105 1 76u 112 66 64 2 25 72 119 1 107 1 1824 1 36 46 9 144 51 102 6 7 72 120 108 187 36 do pref Crucible Steel do pref Cuba Am Sug Del Hudson Den Rio Dome Mines Det Unit Dlst Securities A pr Erie do 1st pref do 2d pref ed pr Gen Electric Gen Motors Goodrich Gt North pr do Ore Subs Guggen Exl Illnois Cent Jut Agrcul do ref I nt Met Insp Copper Inter Con do pref Int Har of Kan Citv So do pref Kresge Co Lack Steel Laclede Gas Lehigh Valley Loose Wiles Mackay Cos pr Maxwell Co do pref do 2d pref Mex Petro Miami Copper Mo pr Mo Pacific Mont Power Nat Cloak ao pref Nat Enam do pref Nat I end Nev Copper Air Brake Central High 34 42 73 62 64 73 118 144 52 7 36 26 29 132 81 19 37 69 7814 Are You Ready or Your Trip? Take Malted Milk with you when Yachting Camping Motoring ishing or Golfing A nutritious satisfying ood Drink ready in a moment A good light lunch when tired or run down Simply dissolve in water hot or cold A fine rest is assured if you take a cupful hot before retiring Our Lunch Tablets are the acme of con venient nourishment Dissolve a few in the mouth when fhtigued or hungry Sample free Racine Wis the Original 5R 99 6 82 226 38 92 70 103 99 103 83 83 70 147 84 106 RS $8 971? 93 63 61 190 76102 119 Am Te! A Tel conv 4 Balt Ohio conv do Southwestern Bethlehem Steel 1st do funding Central Leather 5's Chic Burl A Quincy 4 Chicago I 4 Pacific do o's Colorado Southern 4's I Dupont Powder Erie Indiana Steel receipts 5 Inspiration conv 6's Inter Rapid Tran funding Trternatlonal Mer Marine 444 do 4's ctfs Lackawanna Steel 1950 Missouri Pacific 4's do 5's 1917 do con 5's ser A New York C'entral full pald103 NY 11 OS reg Norfolk A Western 4's Oregon Shore Line rs Pennsylvania 4 1 Pleading 4's Rock Island funding 4 Southern Railway 4's Texas Company conv 6 3 hlrd Avenue a11 5 IT Steel refunding Wabasb Pltts Cent Tr ctfsVOxcHncrhnilfie COT1V I New York Curb Market Bld 11100 87 108 106 14 30 127! 18 Sales 900 15C00 2000 8200 40 29600 17400 100 700 400 1500 700 800 500 13400 100 100 8600 12450 1600 100 1600 200 12690 2700 100 400 8300 4400 200 1100 100 4600 100 900 2100 100 3350 10900 100 1200 100 300 4100 100 100 36700 5900 100 9400 100 10O 800 1700 24100 66 1644 154 44 105 46 12 31 83 123 127 431 105 45 45 ikys 31 82 123 127 4 60 43 28 126 8944 16 72 106 28 58 144 55 102 143 19 68 49 92 39 82 26 18 51 106 28 89 65 14 119 91 64 26 Dow 102 87 102 101 99 9044 80 4444 86 100 66 100 135 97 46 68 48 105 76 112 66 36 62 43 28 126 91 Vi 171 33 95 103 106 SR 8R 97 93 63 101 164 42 22 4 423? 65l 10244 4i 192 99 1 6 44 81 536 123 226 37 99 103 81 83 70 28844 7 147 8342 1 41 6444 1644 44 105 do pref Pull Pal Car Ry Steel Sp do pref Ray Con Cop Rending Rep I A Steel do pref Rumely do pref St do 1st pref do 2d pref Seaboard A do pref Sears Roebuck Sloss I South Pacific Southern Ry do pref Studebaker do pref Tenn Clipper Texas Pacific Texas Co Third Are Tnbnccn Pr or St pr ctfs 6 union Dag Ct A do pref Union Pacific do pref United Ry Inv do pref do pref I Alcohol Rubber do 1st pref Steel do pref Utah Copper Va Car Chem Va Iron West Mary West Un Tel Westinghouse Woolworth Willys Wiscon Cent 83 79 103 103 11944 115 140 139 644 6 2244 21 62 62 28 7 2844 44 35 45 17444 4100 100 9100 2000 800 200 9700 600 22600 900 15150 1400 100 2500 800 2000 56600 4100 1000 200 2600 900 100' 2800 100 1500 100 100 14300 9100 7500 5700 2900 100 4825 400 305 100 2900100 1100 800 7300 2500 800 100 700 900 2950 2500 1200 8400 200 19900 4100 8100 100 200 9100 100 3400 18600 31400 1300 3500 1100 200 100 300 500 500 700 6700 7200 2700 1400 20600 200 10825 3200 500 1000 200 100 1500 100 11800 100 500 400 4300 100 16900 27100 100 89900 700 9400 2500 3400 100 1500 83100 ttaoti 2300 100 $155 Mercer black Newcastle and CabeL $117 Corning $103 Somerset $1 Rag land 65 cents The advance is 10 cents on all grades except Ragland which is two cents United Sinies Treasury inances The condition of the United States treasury at the close of business yester day was: Net balance in general fund $57744080 total receipts $2835034 total payments $3302058 1 The deficit this fiscal year is $25308310 against a deficit of $S400510 last year exclusive of Panama canal and public debt trans actions Springfield Clearing Honse Statement The clearings and balances at the Spring field clearing house yesterday compared with the corresponding day last year were 1915 1914 Clearings $593305 $422127 Balances 222810 60413 Holyoke ClearinK Honse Statement The clearings and balances at the Hol yoke clearing house yesterday compared with the corresponding day last year were 1915 1914 $163029 $133743 49130 52982 Net i Low Close 33 71 60 89 60 71 118 Alaska Juneau 1 American Chicle do preferred Cons Milk do preferred Braden Copper British American Tobacco British Columbia Copper Caribou Cobalt 19 68 48 4 912 382 80 26l 1H 2 51 106 27 eu 14 118 91 63 26 118 119 63 102 16 31 19 33 20 71 106 27 57 144 54 102 142 19 68 45 88 37 80 25 18 2 50 74 106 27 89 64 14 117 90 62 26 4 Inerease Decrease New Terk Bondi HIeh 101 87 87 102 101 99 90 80 44 86 100 66 100 140 97 68 70 78 32 95 IVall Street Are 'Old amiliar Ones Mercantile paper was 3(33 per cent at New York yesterday sterling 60 day bills $459 demand $565 cables $46575 rancs demand 601 cables 599 Marks demand 81 141 cables 81 Lires de mand 656 cables 654 Rubles demand 35 cables 36 Bar silver 46 cents Mexican dollars 36 cents Government bonds heavy Railroad bonds irregular Time loans easy 60 days 22 per cent 90 days 2t3 six months 3 Call money steady nigh 2 per cent low 1 ruling rate 1 last Ioan 2 closing bid 1 offered at 2 Exchanges $35 961311 balances $17 027 70S The early weakness in exchange caused a revival of or foreign selling bonds on a fair ly liberal scale Total sales par value amounted to $2950000 United States 2 declined per cent on call In its main characteristics yesterday market again traversed familiar ground There was further unrestrained trading in war shares including several issues in which public interest or support had here tofore been utterly lacking more or less neglect of the standard railways and recur rent weakness in foreign exchange This latter condition was partly rectified toward the end of the session receipt of $4600 000 Japanese cold from Canada and a semiofficial statement indicating the com ing flotation of a British loan infusing some strength into the general financial situation Trading in the first two hours was on the basis of almost of 1500000 shares for the day but slackened visibly later As usual war specialties together with Unit ed States steel which sold up to 77 its highest quotation since 1912 contributed more than their quota to the grand total which aggregated 1070000 shares The only stocks to ascend to new records were Westinghouse at 120 and Maxwell motors 1st preferred at 92 Studebaker re peated record price of 120 but soon forfeited its advance and Bethlehem steel issues denoted selling pressure Other stocks in the group comprising minor equipments industrials and motors gained two to eight points few of which were re tained at the close There were signs in the course of the day that conservative Wall street is taking less interest in the movement of the issues especially those whose continued advance is made possible mainly from the small amounts of stock available for speculative purposes It is noteworthy also that financial institutions are exercis ing greater caution in their acceptance of these stocks as loan collateral oreign selling was again a factor London's lower level for the American list being followed by further offerings chiefly of transconti nentals and grangers Various issues in cluded in the former Gould group were heavy on the Missouri Pacific receivership which was without influence elsewhere Summary of Sales Shares 1003060 958830 1044540 85056906 45580022 Quotations Am Tel Tel Am Tobacco Am Woolen do pref Anaconda Atchison do pref Atl Coast Line Bald Txieo Balt A Ohio do pref Beth Steel do pref Brooklyn B'klyn Un Gns Booth ish Co Butte Sup Col Can Pacific Cent Leather do pref Ches Ohio Chic Gt West do pref Chic A St do pref Chic A No Ch I A I' Ry Chino Con Cop Cluett Col uel A Iron Col A South do 1st pref Consol Gns Contin Can Corn Products 149! 45 99l 11 2 15'421 4 7 3 14 33 157 55 89 15 47 114 107 46 9 2 1462 511 102 6 Norf A West 108 107 108 North Amer 74 71 North Pacific 108 107 108 Pacific Mall 35 34 34 Penn 109 108 108 Phlla 79 77 78 Pettibone Mui 08 66 683 Pitts Coal 29 26 282 do pref 97 95 96l Press Steel Car 66 64 65 mi mhmb Our Present Payroll $30000 A Week With a present payroll averaging nearly $30000 a week we are contributing our full share to the prosperity of New England These figures are but another expression of the size of our organization and the confidence the big concerns of New England have in it red Ley Co Inc CONTRACTORS I Telephone 4160 Springfield Mass THE BOSTON STOCK MARKET Chile Copper St Crown Reserve Electric Boat common 430 ww do new 4 44 Goldfield Cons 1 lt Greene Cananea 39 International Salt do 64 68 Kerr Lake La Rose lb 1 in Manhattan Transit McKinley Darragh 7 Mines Co of America Nlpissing Mines Co Utis Elevator do preferred I Pacific Smelting 15 Remington Typewriter J4 do 1st preferred do 2d preferred pV Rlker Hegeman i ii Royal Bttklnsr Powder do preferred 10 Sterling Gum 7'? 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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Who owns the Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The birthplace of basketball

The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield. Today, the city of Springfield is known worldwide as the birthplace of the sport of basketball.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Springfield, MA are White (Non-Hispanic) (28.2%), White (Hispanic) (17.8%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (17.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (16%), and Other (Hispanic) (11.2%).

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who were the first settlers in Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

California and Florida may have sunny beaches and New York may have the big city, but for another year, Massachusetts is the best state to live in, according to an influential ranking out this week. The Bay State topped Wallethub's list for 2023, keeping hold of the No. 1 spot it had last year.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

What was the old name of the Springfield Armory? ›

Gun Co. of Devine, Texas, was renamed Springfield Armory, Inc. to capitalize on the name recognition.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

Why is Springfield called Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.