The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

FEBRUARY 21, 1940 15 THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, LIVELY SCHOOLBOY AND COLLEGE CAGE ATTRACTIONS ARE ON TAP FOR FANS Cathedral at Commerce Seeking Local Title Parochial Five Needs Win or Loss by Tech to Trade, Also This Afternoon, to Take City Title- -Northampton-Holyoke in Second Place Valley Game This Afternoon at 3.15, Cathedral Rich will gO after the first of two schoolboy league crowns it speks. when it invades the Commerce High gym in the tinal game of its Springfield loop campaign. .1 victory is needed to salt away the second straight city hoop championship and the second straight major title won tremults, public the football school last rivals, fall. followwhile Cathedral is facing the Crimson Raider, Technical High will be 11 against Trade in the Tiger gym, with the Orange and Black needing victory to tie the parochial schonl. should the latter fall before Commerce.

at Holyoke The interest in this league holds forth, though there are many other games dotting the schoolboy slate. St Mary's and Westfield meet in the ond same of their annual series with the Red and Black Bombers expected to capture their 19th successive win of the season. Northampton and lolyoke collide in the Paper city armory as clubs battle for second place in the Valley league. There is one scuffle in the Parochial league, of no importance to the leaders, and two games in the Northern Berkshire loop. neither of which has an important bearing.

Sacred Heart and Rosary are the fives meeting in the Catholic circuit, while Williams. town plays at Adams and Dalton goes to Drury in the northern circuit. One Valley Wheel assignment, which rings for Palmer Monson. down the curtaine 01 this loop, calls Commerce holds a distinct threat to the Purple Panther, for the Crimson Maiders' gym has been notoriously fitmous for the all luck it carries to title -bound teanis. On paper the! P'arochial school appears to have the edge in ability.

yet many a 200d teamn has met mistortune in the upper State-street school. Coach Relyen's charges have no chance for the crown. but they can finish the local league in a tie for second if Trade takes Tech, so with this hope the Crimson will do its utmost to take Cathedral. Billy Wise's hoys will win handily if they play the same sort of game they did last Friday night in licking Classical High. The Purple will line up the same way, anyway, with Bob Connelly and John Moriarty in the forward berths, William Martin at center with Daniel McCarthy and Peter Lamana, guards.

Face Beaver Jinx Commerce knows it must check Cathedral's guards as well as its wards for both McCarthy and have been scoring heavily of late. To check Cathedral, Coach Relyea is expected to start a team consisting of Ken Connors and Herb Cowles, forwards: William Harrington, center: Robert Dennis and Robert Dinnie, guards. Game time is 3.15. its game with Trade. The Reavers Tech isn't going to have it easy lol have always had a hahit of making it very lively for Tech in any sport.

It was true in the last meeting of these clubs when the Blue and Gold took the Tiger into camp in An overtime tussle. Trade hasn't been going any 100 well of late either, and inasmuch AS today is its final game, it hopes to wind up the season with a triumph. The Tigers will have to check Kwajewski very carofully, for this boy is apt to run wild. Ed Dohecki and Walter Dzwilewski are still other threats In the Beaver camp. Michael Guz and Dick Zanetti will complete Trade's starting lineup.

Tech will probably start with Pete Baevich and Norman Black as forwards, Al Nyand Emett Smith in the backcourt. A man at center with Robert Doane loss for Tech will eliminate it from a chance of tieing Cathedral, should the Purple lose to Commerce. Westfield High is not expected to experience much difficulty in downing St Mary's. It romped to an easy win in their first meeting. Coach Stiles has too much hight.

reserve power and ability for the Saints to cope with. But needless to say, Coach Houlihan's will he giving everything they have. Wouldn't they just to be tho team to spoil the Bombers' hopes of an undefcated season? G. S. JERVIS SPENCER, JR.

Baltimore, Feb. 20-(AP) -Jervis chairman of the MaryRacing commission since 1030 widely known sportsman. died in Union Memorial hospital. waS 63. Spencer, nationally recognized as A authority and five times winner the celebrated Maryland Hunt steeplechase, suffered a heart atFebruary 11 shortly after refrom a hunting trip in the Carolinas.

FACT! HOOP TOURNAMENT AT NORTHAMPTON STARTING THE 27TH McDonald to Direct Court Strife for Teams From Hampshire County Northampton. Feb. 20-The first annual Hampshire county Gold Medal basketball tournament will he conducted in the high school gymnasium here starting Tuesday. the 27th, and running through March 1, it was officially announced today. The event will he run under the auspices of the Paseos A.

A. Fine Response Already Trams that have already signified their intentions of taking part in the tourney, which is open only to Hampshire county teams, include the Pas. cos, Bitrese A. and Y. M.

C. all of Northampton: Hadley Varners, North Hadley Falcons. Young Fellows' club of Hatfield. and Laprade's Market and the Francos, both of Easthampton. A few more entries expected.

it was stated, with A probable starting list of 13 clubs, Entries may be obtained at Purseglove's Sporting goods store. State street, this city. William McDonald, president of the Northampton City league. has been named tournament director. Deadline for entries will be Friday, the 23d.

Forfeit foes of $3 must accompany entry blanks and players' lists, it was announced. The Tournament will award three trophies along with 57 individual player awards. including gold basketballs. medals and charms. The winning team will be presented with 1 20-Inch sunburst championship trophy and eight members of the team will he given genuine 10-karat gold miniature basketballs.

with the insignia. "1910 engraved in raised letters. Second and third teams will also be presented trophics, along with the basketball awards to individual players. and the fourth place team will receive eight medals. Other prizes to be awarded by the tournament committee include nine medals for those named to the alltournament team: eight merit medals to the eight outstanding members of teams that are defcated in tourney competition: and sportsmanship medal to player who is chosen as the most sportsmanlike in the tournament.

Many of the outstanding hoopsters in Hampshire county will be seen in during tournament. These include former high school and college stars. CIUCI AND MANDLEY WIN ON MIAMI LINKS Miami, Feb. 20-(AP)-Dick Ciuci of New York eliminated medalist Frank Allan of P'ittston. and 3, in the opening round of the Dixie amateur golf tournament today.

Bobby Dunkelberger of High P'oint, S. southern amateur champion, was hard pressed to defeat John F. Dolan of West Orange, N. 1 up. Frank Strafaci of New York easily turned back Henry Lanman.

also of New York. 6 and 4, Bobby Walker of Jacksonville winner last week of the St Augustine club champions tournament, trimmed D. H. Beisel of Milwaukece, 5 and 3. Charles Whitehead of South River, N.

eliminated Jack Baldwin, of Hollywood. 6 and 5. Bruno Minkley of Boston ousted Olney Redmond of Schenectady, N. Y. 2 up, while Arnold Minkley of Chicago was beating T.

H. Somerville of Wilmington, 5 and 4. W. H. Mandley of Wethersfield, defeated John R.

Miller of Landover, 6 and 5. NATIONAL ALLEYS Moore Drop Force League Die No 1-Dominick 78-100-83, Heideen Hedlund Conradt 65-100- Gerard Totals 442-472-444. Chic Drop No 107-93-92. Murphy LeBarre Vrdzeld 80-89- St Adnicki 89-00-82. Totals Plating Room--Copp 80-49-89.

Moynihan Rogala 08-111-79. Ellison 92-61-127, Totals 440-435-492. Office -Dickey 111-01-73, Abrams 87-91-80, Converse 79-07-03. Jamesen 91-111-104, Grunlander Totals Bri Repair- 14 123-101-103. Brow Twithell 107-85-124.

Miller 101- Hannizan Totals BIT Tool Room 83-87-106, Rearden Twitchell Hamel 478-400- 112. Tavernier 100-112-91. Totals Baron No 1-Crotean 112-88-79. S8 Opprouski 99-94-78. Danie 104, Dillon 124-107-80.

Totals Parker 82-40-84, l'arsons 109-80-90, Gray 89-96-65, Brow 64-05- Gh. Totals 426-430-370. Bri. Wing -Lemoine 121-07-101, Blandcard Nazy Tavernier 101-60- Roy 90-101-109. Totals 332-310-471.

Watteen 121-97-101, Pubill Monlast 111-98-114, Bozik 04-44-113, Josetials 06- 1101-98. Totals 510-407-514. Chi. Sentt 70- 86-76, Soda Dubois Furman Totals Bri. Die--Kane 97-81-70, Andwand 110-100- 110, Hick 0g- Totals 505- "YOU BET YOUR LIP I like to save money, But I like quality too.

Old Quaker smooth as any high. priced whiskey ever drank," says Hal Mann, Chicago, IlL How We Can at this Low Price! Sell a Rich 4-Year-Old Whiskey With sales of rich, mellow Old Quaker now $110 SCHENLEY) actually amounting to thousands upon thousands of PINT bottles each day no wonder Old Quaker quality is so amazingly fine. "WHISKEY IS It is these big- volume sales which make it pos- YEARS OLD 4 sible for us to afford choice grains, expensive distilling enable us to methods, give you highly the skilled finest craftsmen 4-year-old -actually whiskey QUAKER available in America. Yet we keep the price of 1 Old Quaker surprisingly low. OLD QUAKER STRAIGHT 700 OLD the DISTILL THE oF COMPANY STRAIGHT Bourbon WHISKEY Gid Ducker NOW IS WHISKEY THIS 4 YEARS OLD 90 PROOF COFR.

1940, THE OLD. QUAKER COMPANY, LAWRENCEBURG, INDIANA DE CORREVONT HAS TIME, MAY STOP POUTING AND STAR Crack Carrier Still Has Two Ycars of Football to Prove Self New York, Feb. 20-(AP) --Bill DeCorrevont's ill-advised airing of his inner thoughts concerning football situation at Northwestern university has left him 011 an uncomfortable spot, and his statement that he came within a couple of telephone calls of transferring to Southern California has hrought only the response, "Well, why didn't he?" However, it is not transfer clause which will cause the most embarrassment. He would not have been the first athlete who switched schools. In fact.

there have been tramp athletes who moved around sO often they tackled in freshman English six times. It is the 'criticism of the coaching system that creates the sore spot, and Lynn Waldorf's willingness to forgive and forget is a tribute to his understanding of youth and its tendency to blow its top. Many 3 thinskinned tutor, after reading that one of his pupils had declared the team's offense was not offensive. would have invited the critic to make himself absent henceforth. 'The right of at football player to his own thoughts cannot be denied, but when a sophom*ore takes it upon himself to openly criticize the teaching of A conch of Waldorf's acknowlown neck.

We watched Waldorf's edged ability he is sticking out. his championship team functioning when he WAS at Kansas State and, if that team lacked A tricky offense when in scoring territory, it was obtaining touchdowns under false pretenses. Since last fall there has been rilmors that all was not well with DeCorrevont and the Wildcats, rumors that. his teammates were disgruntled over the publicity the ex-high school wizard received. that when he carried the ball he was forced to run his own interference.

All such intimations were denied. The kids 011 3 football team are too anxious to win to let personal differences interfere. and. from all we could gather. DeCorrevont is a likable lad who was unfortunate enough to he SO good in high school he was swamped in a sea of nuhlicity.

That publicity is the core of all the trouble. Because he was DeCorrevont, the boy wonder, he was watched with hawklike eves. Undoubtedly he developed a pretty fair opinion of his own ability. If you're told you're good often enough, you begin to believe there's something to it. When, for reasons known only to Waldorf and his staff.

the boy didn't sce as much service as expected, there was to be talk that the high school hero was just a college headache. Naturally that would cause the resentment of a hoy who was doing his best. DeCorrevont held himself in check nicely throughout the season, and it was a dissatisfied disappointment with to the read way things were going. and that he had the pins into the coaching staff. An added disappointment was the indication that he considered his foothall career of more importance than his quest for education.

However, ho's just A kid. to whom football all right now is of more importance than making a living 10 years from now. He didn't measure up 10 the expectations last fall. and it hurt. He popped off.

and he's sorry, and Waldorf is man enough to forget it. Victor League VICTOR, ALLEY South F. A Albano 97-91-NT. Russo 64-113-73. Tranghese 87-80- Serra Totals J.

w'. V. -Ackerman 100-87-91. 17-94-80, Nyman 97-114-82, Cohen 100-91-69, Censer 96-40-92. Totals 170-479-419.

Crystal Cafe- Galloni 108-113-77, Prior 112-101-03. Melvezzi 93-100-50, Germano 100- 116-90, Berti 83-116-94. Totals 494-346-484. General Welding Co--Eddie McCallin 80-113-124. Consolini 100-86-11, Totals Morrig 86-106-96, Braveleri 431-403-324.

Farnsworth Coal Co--Witt 110-9T-101. Dowling Leroux 111-86, Stathis Christophere 91-130, Ludite 17- 98 Totals Spring Meadow De. Ancelo Mascaro Bianconi Spagna Gentile mo. Totals Special l'infall Lyman Cate--Galloni108-93-88. Jones 98- Germano Greentield Stathis 111-105-11.

Tan 104-05-103. Totals Die- F. Chris 00-102-102, Eddie Edes Roscow Ogonio 1402- McClary 103-01-104. Totals 470. Victor Pete 103- 93-101.

Eddie 116-103-1104 Don Prank Totals Recreation Pinboys-Jop 81-TO-ST, Fugene Frits 83-80-80. John Stan 90-102-126. Totals Western Mass. Bowling Faces Purple Today HERB COWLES, Commerce BOWLING RESULTS RO'RINGHAM ALLEYS Rockingham Social League Six Corners- Albano 108-94-124, Contrino Natalini 81-02-99. Stella Circhello 114-00-87.

Totals 497-469-482. Five Aces- -Vedovelli Nostin 88- 102-100. Tavoice 18-83-06, F. DiCarlo 78. Patpandrea 112-108-01.

Totals 413-498-470. Wonderbars Harrison 110-88-90, Spano 113-81-99. D. Anderson Rose 97- 94-115, D. DiCarlo Totals 582-440- 316.

Horseshoe Club- -Brinkman 89-94-99, Pomeroy 90-91-79, Allyn 109-104-90, Fostrom 120- 110-86. Tenero 94-121-96. Totals Champs Five--P'ernire Champ Anderson 114-102-01, Berard 94- 100-101. Rowe 81-91-90. Totals Boston Market 73-104-94.

Thomas 79-110-72. Cressotti 88-74-91. Cottini 81-97- 101, Bushey 89-86-72. Totals 421-471-430. l'.

S. Armory League, Class A 4-A-Kasam 81-00-102. Lapinsky 81-91-81. Wilson 112-90-98, Bussolari Totals 472-458-433. 2-A-Lambert 78-96-107.

Syner 101-98-110, Gourley 95-80-91, Cullinan 79-84-74, Ritcher 82-101-92. Totals Rosieene 90-83-93. Potter 74-47-69. Reauregard 89-99-89. LaBlanche 117-92-101.

Totals 418-484-429. 10-A-Taylor 101-74-99. Speigle Rasus 96-84-03. Farley Tindall 80- 101-90, Totals 479-470-418. Connor Haslam 01-105- Hamilton Bernardi 108-00-106, Phaneuf Totals 93.

Kuhn 9-A-Desault 83-111-87. Kraus Vedorelli PApandrea 91-101-101. Totals Rocky Duck Pin League Clubs: Morris 92-91-08, Adelchi 04-107- SA, Kraus 120-134-110, 0, Di Carlo 110-112- Totals Hearts: Natalini Veroni 10.3- Cicchello 124-112-89. Johnson 113-119- 89. Totals Spades: Rowe 99-18-97, Bianco 127-97- 119.

Geissler 103-116-103, Burton 114-122-116. Totals 443-413-437-1293. Diamonds: F. Cocchi 97-112-107, Avis 102- 103-108, Bartolucci 103-100-98. W.

Cocchi 102-106-90. Totals Duck F'in Match Thompsonville Greys: Mahone 92-99-110, Reader 113-64-1, Sullivan 92-110-53, Bernier Ury 121-103-163. Totals Rockinghams. Adelchi Johuson Circhello 103-91-116, Burton 113- 120-119. bi Carlo 107-122-120.

Totals 593- United State. Armory (Girls' Div.) League Stores: Topor 71--7-84, Harrison 72-87. Boucher 88-87-87. Blanchard 71-89-81, Foley 41-82-77. Totals 383-432-412.

Drafting: Green Rogers 50, Cunningham faddad 83-78-77 Park 86-66-77. Totals 407-374-390. Procurement: O'Connor 47-71-16. Galimberti 77-70-71. Waldman Jahry 87.

Cullinan Totals 408-303- 401. Pay Masters: Couchlin land LynA 16-83-78, Hamel 83-7 73. McNamee 74-84-98. Totals Personnel: Walsh Schackett 72- 92-71, Bertochi 92-69-94, Smith 17-82-81, Downey 73-83-97, Totals 401-409-412. Cost: Marcho 71-83-61.

Brown 63-65-65, Durkee 74-83-ST. Beauregard 77-86-80, Men- ard 84-92-78. Totals 360-410-377. RECREATION CENTER ALLEYS Springfield league J. Beglane 91-73-73, Sheehan 112- 81-97.

Totals 517-490-482. Back Pages -Engel 70-70-75, Waldo 71-75- TR, Renz 104-40-103, Champagne Grimahaw A. Smith 90-08-107. Totala 331-531-013. Fourth Estates -G.

Thompson F. Warren Antoine Fitzgerald J. Dugan 81-80-92. Sullivan 80-87-73. Totals 349-323-499.

Rulers--St Pierre 70-89-107. Lafose 90- 88-85. l'ezzini 00-83-87, Orberg 80-93-91, Lombard 94-92-03, Siciliano 100-123-03. ToSlugs--Lawson 80-80-80. Wing 80-80-80.

McGrudy 83-71-69. Beglane 73-80-80, Gauthier 04-86-86, Ieenan 87-94-103. Total 100-500-304. -Hasserty 92-100-78, 80-90-80, Zebrowski Hopkins 82- 93- 08-103, E. 92-00, Mackey 92-110-97, AlcEwan 81-75-87.

Totals 320-534-333. High Slugs -Freeman 75-15-15, Milbier H. Thompson 80-80-80, Willard 102-90, Geary Kuskinen 90-98-100. Totals Ink Spots-Ransom Flynn 102-76- 87, Nallgren 112-01-83, R. O'Connor 83-77- 83, D.

Roy 100-87-84. B. O'Connor 05-10 112. Totals G. Hopkins 87- 71-80.

Gallagher 91.87-87, R. Thompson 71- La Valley 93-79-89, Clark 107-104-97. Totals 339-400-509. Blue Streaks- -Malconian Noriarty 88-102-84. Collina Husson 07-00-01.

Paine Totals 09-90-96. Zades 83-83-84. Langone 87-92-83. Angelo MacDonald Bourgeols 40-123-97. Totals: Ev Lines- Wallace Crimming Hutton 107-93-04.

M. O'Connor 103- 8ti-92, ('Hare 98-81-05, B. Smith 83-72-110 Totals 77-75-75. M. Beglane Devine Swanson 91- ALIENS Citizen: Toti Cuoco 106-07-83, Appleton 112-110-100.

Contuno 103-92-00. Totals Fratellanza: Giorgi 78-97-88, Scagliarini 91-13-75, Morist 03-73-105. M. Pagnoni 90-113. A.

Pagnont 107-122-89. Totals 484- Italian A. Balboni 81-84-90. Borcasile 82 Vescetta. 89-83-81, Rigazio 95-98-88.

Cignoli 92-96-90. Totals 439-471- 441-1354. Marconi: E. Marint 83-81, Bracci 89-83- 78, Manoni 107-09-100, Sbriscio 02-94-43, Butucchi Conti 80. Totals 479- 462-437-1378.

Dante Club: Teroro 00-07-84, Benotti 102-89. Govoni 110-108-89, Cotti 116-110-91, Fiorini 106-105-99, Totals Adriatic: D. Rattiste Sharron. De Palo Valetine Primo Totals 445-110- 466--1388. NATIONAL, RASKETBALL At Indianapolis: Indianapolis Stewart- Warners 39, Wichita (Kan.) Oil- League Season Fading 5 Only Five More Sets of Matches Remaining in 1939-40 Schedule -Broadways Cinch to Cop Title Three Teams in Second Money Battle BROWN HOOPSTERS OPPOSE JEFFS AT AMHERST TONIGHT Lloyd Jordan's Pupils Will Have to Kcep Tabs On Platt of Visitors Amherst.

Feh. 20-In the busiest week of sports that Amherst college has seen for many Vear. Brown drops into town 10 incet the Lord Jeff quintet on the hardcourt at p. m. tomorrow night in Pratt cage to send the program of Prom week festivities into full action, with A fencing match against Seton Hall during the afternoon adding to the eyeful.

The 17th meeting of the two baskethall rivals since the series began back in 1903. this vear's game will see the breaking of the tie which the Bruins brought into existence last year at Providence by their 38-21 victorr over Capt Charlie Otis's five. Capt Harry Plait. who ranked high among eastern intercollegiate basketball scorers with his 217 points tallied in 21 games. will lend Brunonia but quintet moderate onto the success floor during that the has chad.

paign this season, although A stunning 56-34 defeat of Wesleyan ranks them as a opponent. In preparation for the contest, Coach Jordan has had the Sabrina quintet roll through their offensive naces in Pratt CASP. while reserves have been thrown up against the var. sity to stress accurate passing and quick cutting. Capt Jimmy Reed at center, and Frankie Norris will again team un in the forecourt with Bob Johnson.

soph forward, who has come through in the pinch for the Jeffs. Veteran Guard Bill Cordner will handle the left guard berth with Hicks holding down the other. and Zins, Smythe, and Kelly ready for relief service. Despite the loss of Forward George Fisher through ineligibility and l'erson via the injury route, the Bruins will invade Amherst territory with a team A8 strong if not stronger than that which has functioned as 2 unit during the early games of the season this winter. Two star sophom*ores, Ernie Saviagano, and Sheffe.

big 6- foot, four-inch guard. bolster the lineup that lacks little as far 28 hight 1s desired. since both guards P'adden and Wilson who hail from Williamstown are in the neighhorhood of six feet or SO, while Capt Platt himself tips the beams at more than 6 feet, inches, giving the Bruins A decided advantase over the smaller but very aggressive Lord' Jeff quintet that boasts Capt. Reed. who stands at bit inore than six feet, one inch in his pivot spot.

JOE JUDGE AGAIN COACH OF GEORGETOWN NINE Washington, Feb. 20- (AP) -Joe famous first baseman and teammate of Walter Johnson on the old Washington Senators, today signed a new two-year contract to coach Georgetown's baseball nine. Judge, a resident of the capital, has been the mentor at Georgetown for four years. During his first season the team went undefeated. In sucyears he has always had a consistent winner.

HENDERSON TO COACH OCCIDENTAL GRID TEAM Los Angeles, Fob. 20-(AF) C. Gus Henderson, nationally known football coach who coached the Detroit Lions in 1939. will take charge of the grid sport at Occidental college, one of the oldest schools in the West. next fall.

Occidental. which has A atudent body of some 750 and is A member of the Southern California conference, WAS founded 52 vears ago. Foothall first we was introduced there in 1893. IN CHARITY GRID GAME Los Angeles, Feb. 20-(AP)-larry Smith.

University of Southern California's all- America guard. said tonight he had accepted an invitation from Arch Ward. Chicago sports writer, to play with the All-Collegiate eleven against the I'rofessionals this summer. By FRANCIS FEIGHERY The 1939-40 season in the Western Massachusetts Rowling league. top circuit in this section, is rapidly fading.

Only five more weeks of pinspilling remain and then the league pin-busters will hang up their togs and shoes to await the opening of the 1910-1941 campaign. At the present writing the Broadway quintet of this city, which has been leading the circuit almost since the current season started. is a cinch to walk off with the championship and successfully defend their 1938-1939 honors. The second-place Corner Cafe pinners of North Adams are still in the running for the uppermost laurels, hut their chances are mighty slim. The results of Friday night's matches will probably tell the real story as the Broadways need only to win two or three points while the Cafemen drop the same to con the championship.

Second P'lace Rattle Should the Broadways lose all of their remaining 15 strings, which is possible but not probable and the North Adams tribe capture all of their final 15 points, then the Berkshire County pinners would grab off the championship by the margin of there strings over the City of Homes maplecrashers. Present standing of the teams list the Broadways with 51 points won and 10 lost. The Corner Cafe rollers have a record of 42 strings won and 27 dropped. The real battle in progress in the league at the current writing is the one for second place money between the Corner Cafe. Rockingham and Hub Restaurant of Pittsfield.

glance over the standings reveals the Berkshire County bowlers occupy ing a second position. just four points ahead of the third-place Rocking hams and seven strings in front of the fourth flub Restaurant pintopplers. The Rockies lead the Pittsfield pinners by three points. Northampton, Parkview Restaurant of Westfield. North- Ends and Chateau quintet the City of in fifth, sixth and seventh positions, respectively, the latter two clubs being clubs, along with Rockies and stalemated in the collar berth.

These Hub Restaurant are definitely out of the struggle for the 1939-10 championship. The Broadways and the Corner Cafe rollers should have no trouble in reglistering tWO or three point triumphs in this week's matches. Friday's slate calls for the league-leaders to pin against the Northampton entry on the Broadway alleys. This match should be a breeze for the locals. The Corner Cafe rollers entertain the hapless last place Chateau five on the Casino drives, located in North Adams.

The Cafemen should take this verdict without experiencing too much trouble. Other games on Friday's schedule. third week of the closing round, pits North-Ends against Rockinghams at Rockingham alleys and Westfield at Pittsfield. Muscolo Still Leads Dominick Muscolo, who has been off his game the past few matches. still manages to retain his lofty perch A6 leader of the class A averages.

His present figure is 108 and 42 extra pins. Capt Al Morisi of the Broadways hold down the second spot. being credited with an' average of 107 and 63 additional woods. Other nigh class A pinners are Mike DiCarlo of the Rockinghams; Elery Gibson of the Broadways and R. Colo of the Corner Cafe.

The class pacesetter is George Metayer of the 49 sticks. LEichorn of Corner Cafe league-leaders. His a average is 105 and and "Tut" Johnson of Rockinghams AL M'COY WINNER OF BOUT WITH BUD SCOTT York. Feb. 20-(AP)-AL McCoy, Boston heavyweight.

punched out A eight -round decision over Buddy Scott rat the Broadway arena tonight. McCoy's greater experience proved the deciding factor. although he hit hard and often enough to draw blood from Scott's nose in the late is. McCoy weighed Scott Scott subbed for Katz. Lenny Mancini, 134.

Youngstown, scored a technical knockout over Frank Terranova. 140. New York. in 1.40 of the fourth round of the semifinal eight Late Goals by Wilson Tame Boston U. Terriers Boston, Feb.

20-(AP)-Two lastminute goals by Dick Wilson, sixfoot. center, gave sachusetts Institute of Technology basketball quintet a 39-37 victory over Boston university tonight in the lattor's gym. Just before Wilson started his sharpshooting. Capt Jackie Rotman tossed in two goals to give Boston university at 37-35 lead. REDS LAND HINRICHS AFTER MUCH TURMOIL Cincinnati, Feb.

20-(AP)-All the elements of a musical comedy plot entered into it--detectives, mysterious strangers, hotel room conferences and bumping rides over country roadsbut the National league champion Reds got their man. "Their man" is young Gene Hinrichs, portside rookie late of lienderson. and one of 91 athletes thrown into free agency several weeks ago by Baschall Commissioner Kenesaw M. Landis. How he was snatched from under the eves of at least tWO big league clubs- -Brooklyn and St Louis--was told today AS General Manager Warren C.

Giles pawed through a mass of business preparatory to leaving next week for the Reds' spring training camp in Tampa. Hinrichs came to Cincinnati for conferences, agreed apparently that "everything's O. and left the Reds' offices. only to be met in the lobby by a uniformed bell-boy from a nearby hotel. "Come this way," the bell boy said--and led young Mr Hinrichs 10 a suite occupied by none other than Rogers Hornsby.

Hornsby, booked at the time to manage Montreal, a Brooklyn farm, apparently carried an offer that interested the Rockwell City (la.) youngster. PARADISE ALLEYS Interdepartment League Whse. Office--Moore Sutherland 104-81-90, P'eck 53-80-83, Sheldon 83-03-70, Mitchell 88-00-00, Laughton W. Cloughly Totals 651-618-609. Portez 85-80-110, Blanchfeld 108-88-91, McCarty 13-82-8S, Soden 83-08-81, Bednarz Milligan Star.

zyk 94-116-128. Totals 600-650-637. Central Office Gastiger 87-80-81, Agonis 77-82-103, Meister 74- 91-91, Fuller Faulkner Hoimes 80-13-87. Totals 302-394-016. Tennis String--Flanagan Ioman 36-91-79, Sawyer 91-83-106, S.

Bievnat 8t- L. Bievnat 08-101-50, Gelman 84-87- 02, Healey Totals 620-417-632. Custom Built--N. Dupre 81-92-86, F. Bedard S1-03-96, C.

E. Dupre L. Harris G. Stolze 87-83-101, B. Cronin Totals Whse.

Shipping BAzan Pazik 98-00-73, Charest 19-11-82. Minie Anderson Chase 83-82-92. Totals 039-009-609. Baseball--Bennett Ellis 94-74-77. Reatty 110-75-81.

Mezzer 01-90-79. Wright Beinbey Small 93-93-110. Totale Rubber--Leroy Rogers 89-101-7T, Sullivan 100-79-97. Chet 62-91-92, Wallace 00-101-84. Padykula (avanaush Riley 104-94-91.

Totals Golf Ball-Leary 10-89-84. La Valley 83- Danahy 71-81-83, Jordan Kobak Garvey McGarrity Totals 612-632-612. Factory Office--West 82-60. l'anke 73-74. Laporte St Clair 82-82-91, Lamson 102-110-53.

Beaulieu 84-83-83, Cunlifte 83- 109-90, Pelletier 00-88. Totals Whee Stock Wiaderek Ed Coulter Ryan 103-93- 91, Henry Shiba Les Rogers 82-78-82. Totals Golf-Tait 121-99-99, Fitzgerald 01-91-97, Buckley 108-82-76, G. Chouinard 24-97-57. Klaus 123-90-95, Biron 97-109-109, Pasterczy 108-93-100.

Totals 140-600-672. Office -Marcus 89-95-119, Cullinan 70-81-S1, Cunliffe, $2-73-83, Fleury 97-101-73, Perry 92-99-89. Bridgnian 95-47-90. Totals 614-443-613. Maintenance -Louis Fontaine 18-84-60, Ernest Fontaine Al Blanchard 93-52- 79, Emile Fontaine 81-83-80, W'.

Cote 139- 113-81, Romeo Fontaine 13-80-99, Sam Ratforty Totals Machine--Moran Curry, 02-120-17. Curry. 78- 100-83, Johnston Smethurs! 91-90- 97, McClelland 102-02-113. Totals Tennis Wood -J. Barry Gaheen 181-101-97, Hickey Thom Sawyer Hennessey Cloughly 104-101-107.

Totals 601-004-650. 2d Platoon Fire Dept. League No 3-Ratt Rowley Mic(Carthy Paley 78-18-80, Filios 80- 113-91. Totals No 1-Fillion 81-91-84. Williams Di Santi 83-61-97, Crowe 04-115-86.

Totals 420-453-424. No 4-Mirachi -111-98-83, Hiney TO-TH-82, Addison Kennedy Lawery. No 105-98-90. Totals 81-100-06. Dubia 19-95-71.

Burnett 03-81-70, King Porter 95- SO-18. Totals 133-444-420. 11. Ray Baudin Fenton 01-80-00. Zukowaki Roberts 81-108-112.

Totals 411-464-477. Sherman 79-49-97, Bradley 41-84-57. Griffin Snow Discoe 83- 09-01. Totals 440-430-440. SMITH'S ALLEYS Asinof Local 290 league C.

Hurley 76-74-80, C. Palpini Cagan Brazeau 89-87-10. P. 107-89-81, G. Brazeau 84-78-02.

Totals 320-300-504. l'idgeon 78-14-80. Brighenti Santaniello 78-74-111, Felitto 98-88-89. Brandt 162-83-81, Croteau 82-00-00. 'Totals 307-408- 334.

Pants--Louise Regnior Mary Lahovich 104-79-82, Rene Proulx Rocco Perrone John Palpini Leu DuBois 94-84-94. Totals 042-512- Cutters -Borgatti 80-84-83, St Cyr 83-77- 81, Supernant M. 70-80-91, W. Shapiro A. Leone 80-93-00.

Totals 302-303-503. Vests--Average Rose Mazzie 73- 108-01. Tony Damelia H. Greenberg Average W. Samp60n 86-03-04.

Totals Presser -Rose Ferraro 70-72-79, Lena Du83-Bois 16-88-80, J. Shea 81-79-82, R. l'alpini S. Shapiro S0-71-19, S. Rachilla 60-82-105.

Totals 408-407-019. "N' ALLEYS Special Match Cream Crest No 2 Team--Thayer 0-06-92, Flie 91-82-90, West 70-88-83, Landers 80. ONR 101-87-89. Totals Mallory's No 2 Team- Bennett 91-49-45. Girouard 91-04-00, French 106-47-99, Helixor Totals 480-402.

Cream Crest No 1 Team 84- 02-110, Dougherty 99-82-89. Barry Walsh 05-00-90, 110-107-01. Totals Mallory's No 1 Tram- Sullivan 102-87-101, Genney 99 47-96, Beehe Chamberlain Downey 90-91-124. Totals BROADWAY ALLEYS Sunshine League Dukes -Waite 88-88-78, Frueh Wood Lawson 75-80-90, La Mountain 01-70-93. Totals 400- Aces--Mackle 92-80-81, Voyburgh Iyman 104-73-88, Dale 86-06-90, Mansfield 89-88-101.

Totals 402-438-442-1342. Meridians--B. Vegheri 80-121-93. Warner 100-102-87. Clune 83-98-98.

Keene 103-129-94. Troie 100-109-105. Totals R. E. A.

85-91-84, Scanlon 91- 105-102. Nelson 90-88-98. Pomerau average Sunshinera 75-73-75. Brinkman Totals 89-132-110. a Peters 02-06-87, P'ugliano 09-09-86, Caron 97-90-70, Dusty 100-00, Albano 94.

Totals 147. Wrong Fonts 100-125-113, O'Connor 92-110-93, Aruff 93-84. Mango 99- Springfer SI, Marr 82-01-101. Totals Press Rollers -Bourgeoie 97-101-91, Coen Callahan Foley 81-79- A. Smith 98-91-68.

Totals Type Highs- -Mellow Healy SO. 81-61. 8. Smith 92-76-92. J.

O'Connor Hartshorn 90-79-80. Totals 118-413- 1412-1003. NATE MANN, VICTOR IN MATCH WITH WILLIAMS Haven, Feb. 20-(AP)Nate Mann, 192, Hamden heavyweight who hold the New England championship, pursued Charley Williams, of Fort Lauderdale, for 10 rounds tonight and, though he failed land a knockout blow. managed to win the decision with scant difficulty.

Mann; desirous of another shot at Joe Louis who kayoed him in three rounds two years ago, gave his foe A bad body beating and marked Williams's face, but the Floridian, A clever boxer, stayed away from his heavier. stiff -punching opponent and retained his feet throughout. are close on the heels of Metayer with averages of 101 and 30 and 104 and 18, respectively. "Cheet" Colo of Corner tops class with A 104 and seven sticks. followed closely by Johny Michaels, a teammate with 104 land one maple.

The of the Teams Teams on Lost F.C. T.P. Broadway 51 13 36,413 Corner Cafe 33.996 Rockingham 38 31 .551 35.167 Hub Rest. 35 ,507 35.107 Northampton .405 34,389 Parkien Rest. .391 34,291 North Ends 26 12 35, Chateau 26 $3 .376 34,056 High team total.

Broadways, 1704. High team string, Rroadwass, 597. High three strings, Muscolo, 401. High single string, Muscolo, 161. Averages of Leaders Muscolo 108-42 Class Morisi 107-63 arlo 106-2 104-41 K.

Colo 104-20 Class R. Metaser 103-49 101-30 101-18 Morin 103-49 Anthony 103-19 Cole 104-7 Michaels 101-1 Kickert 103 Jangone 102-32 (alloni 101-50 Novaris 101-45 Schedule Friday Northampton At Broadway. North Ends At Rockingham, Chateau at North Adams, Westfield at Pitt field. Spencer, land and tonight He turf nt Cup tack turning KESSLER'S SMOOTH MY WOULD AS WHISKEY YOU RECOMMEND? WHAT THERE'S NOTHING 10 QUITE SO SILKY SMOOTH AS KESSLER'S PRIVATE BLEND PINT PROOF NINETY Every facsimile Private SMOOTH Dean JULIUS of 84-year Distillers KESSLER: KESSLERS MERICAS WHISKEY VALUE GREATEST KESSLER'S PRIVATE BLEND A BLENDED WHISKEY. Neutral Spirits distilled from Grain.

90 Proof. Julius Kessler Distilling Incorporated, Lawrenceburg, Indiana. ers 31..

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The birthplace of basketball

The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield. Today, the city of Springfield is known worldwide as the birthplace of the sport of basketball.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Takikawa became a city in 1958 and this year proudly celebrated the 50th anniversary. Springfield is located on the Connecticut River. The Ishikari and Sorachi Rivers come together near Takikawa.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

What weapon such as the Springfield named after the Massachusetts city? ›

The Type 1861 "Springfield" rifle-musket used during the American Civil War, was nicknamed the "Springfield" after the city it was manufactured in.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.