Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (2024)


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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (4) Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (5)byAdmin Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:29 pm

I am partnering with a couple different commishes who run other online franchise (the main partner is with the EAFL but we are looking to add other Online Franchises) - we will be creating a website where we can post information on clowns that have tried to destroy our online franchise (by glitching, chzing, cheating, manipulating trades, quiting etc)... This will allow us to avoid such individuals if they try to infiltrate our organizations!

I am just trying to think of my initial subbmision to the website - QBxKILLA is going to be the 1st for sure!

But if you can think of any1 we had to boot - let me know (i have a hard time recalling) - pls provide as much information as possible - (what their offense was to be booted from the Online Franchise)


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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (9) Grim-x-reefer

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (10)byGREENERRRR Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:58 pm

Looked at last years posts (in our old website) Grim-x-reefer had multiple complaints (over 6) - he will be placed on this list too!

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (15) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (16)bytomer629 Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:31 am


he was booted from several leagues if I remember right

he ran the same cheeze play 10 times against me when he beat me in overtime of the AFC championship.

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (20) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (21)byGREENERRRR Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:54 am

tomer629 wrote:boywonder?

he was booted from several leagues if I remember right

he ran the same cheeze play 10 times against me when he beat me in overtime of the AFC championship.

I am NOT convinced he is a BS player - I have played and lost to him several times - and he ALWAYS played legit (but then again - maybe he was playing LEGIT because he was up against the commish) LOL! - I have NEVER heard of him losing a game in our LGs - and I am yet to see saved video footage of him "cheating" - rergardless - not sure if he would be a good fit for our group due to the controversy he brought - therefor I haven't contacted him... I did notice he hasn't been on the PSN with his boywonder id in months - so its possible he has changed id's and is in our group already! LOL!

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (26) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (27)byjmojsoski Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:33 pm

nah hes legit..i lost to him in the SB 17-13.....that was the best game we ever played and the closest i came to beating him...i actually had friends come over and watch the game..ironically i was the saints and he was the colts and it was in deathwish's was a SB preview..and why isn't deathwish on these broads..he doesn't want to play madden wit us anymore?

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (32) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (33)byGREENERRRR Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:45 pm

jmojsoski wrote:nah hes legit..i lost to him in the SB 17-13.....that was the best game we ever played and the closest i came to beating him...i actually had friends come over and watch the game..ironically i was the saints and he was the colts and it was in deathwish's was a SB preview..and why isn't deathwish on these broads..he doesn't want to play madden wit us anymore?

I have been tryn to reach deathwish for a couple weeks - I texted messaged him 2 hours ago - I havent heard back... its too bad - I have been holding a place for both him and schloer - hopefully he gets in touch with us!

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (38) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (39)byjmojsoski Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:43 pm

it all went south when they booted boywonder and i left shorty after that....but, i remember me and him made amends after that..but, i havent had my PS3 to keep in contact wit ppl and i lost his number..

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (44) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (45)bytomer629 Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:22 pm

guys im tellin ya boywonder was a cheezer, yes he had pretty good stick skills, but he also used the same cheeze play against me 10 times because its the only way he could move the ball. On the deciding play in the AFC championship he went for it on 4th and like 15... I KNEW he was gonna go to his cheeze play, so I hot routed 3 defenders to be in the area where he was gonna throw it, then I had 1 guy man up with his WR, then I usered another, AND I spotlighted the WR. He throws it to a quadruple covered, spotlighted WR anyway and completes it for 16 yds and a first down inside the 30 in OT... Game Over

This exact play was the play he used on every 3rd and 4th down, How can you tell me thats sim football???

I dont wanna start drama before the league even starts but If we are gonna allow BS like that then Id rather not be in the league.

I cant believe you guys didnt notice this when you played him but It was deffinitely cheeze in my book to do this play over and over, it was one of those 5 wide plays were you motion a few guys to confuse the D. If thats not cheeze I dont know what is

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (49) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (50)byGREENERRRR Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:02 pm

i know the play you are speaking of - but it NEVER seemed to breach our repetitive play calling rule - the rule stated:

No single offensive play or same type of play different formation can compose no more than 20% of your play calls... (if u have 50 plays in a game - u cant run the same play more than 10 times in the entire game) - defense has no such restriction

note: the rule is focussed on types of play - so just because you change the formation or an intended receiver - doesnt make the play different... example If you run a screen out of a balnced I formation - than run a screen out of a shotgun 5 W spread - IT IS CONSIDERED THE SAME TYPE OF PLAY (and would count within the repetive playcalling framework)

-boywonder410 would make sure that he NEVER was in breach of the 20% play-calling rule - and would only do the play you described - WHEN HE REALLY NEEDED TOO - and he executed it well... so when you lose to him - you don't have reason to complain - because he hasn't breached any rules - (and since I had the largest contribution to the rule book - i thought it would be TOTALLY UNSPORTSMANLIKE to complain about a loss I received - when a player followed ALL OF THE RULES) - so each time I loss to BW - (and i was was within 3 points - twice - @ halftime in 2 of games!) I figured it would be ungracious to complain about the loss - so i put "my hat in hand" - congradulate him and sucked it up!

Looking back on things - I believe that 20% may be a number that is a bit high - for so called money plays - in our repetitive play-calling rules... that means you could run the same type of play 10 times in a game (because on AVG there is over 50 offensive play calls in our 8 minutes quarters - no excel clock)... - Running the same offensive play that tomer describes above 9 times in a game - is a TOO MUCH... BUT running a FUNDEMENTAL run play like a dive or offtackle could occur 10 times in a game - BUT with the depth of the playbook in Madden... - there is no reason why we can't reduce this % - and guys could look to vary their FUNDEMENTAL run plays due to the bredth of the playbook - the idea is be less concerned about a specific fundemental run play and look to a similar play that has the same point of attack (POA) but is constructed differently - therefore you wouldnt breach the repetive play-calling rule - example instead of calling a dive play call a blunt run... instead of a toss play - run stretch.... etc!

I think this is a way we can protect the essence of the BASIC run game while making our repetive play calling rule better!!!

These are the type of things WE ARE LOOKING FOR INPUT ON RIGHT NOW - we will be developing our initial draft of Madden rules on the saturday prior to our draft (looks like our draft will be on sunday night - aug 15th based on our current poll stats)... We are waiting to the 15th - so we at LEAST have 5 days playn with Madden 11 b4 the release of the initial draft of rule book - BUT THE RULES WILL EVOLE BASED ON SIM NEEDS THAT PRESENT THEMSELVES THROUGH-OUT THE MADDEN YEAR...

So if you are concerned about what direction the Madden Group takes - AND WANT TO MAKE RULES BETTER - I AM ASKING FOR INPUT - and i would like to thank ezweightloss for making the only contribution to this process so far... I don't mind being the leader of this task (i like to think that i have a better than AVG grasp on football fundementals and how they impact the Madden 11 game) - but i would prefer for this process to MORE OF A GROUP EFFORT... and last year this was done informally by discussing rules with (mjkight, deathwish22, jmojsoski, kavorka2 and DEN_24) - but i WOULD LIKE THIS PROCESS FORMALIZED - that is why we are looking to complete our selection process of the Governing Council - if you are interested in participting in the development of the Madden Group in this regard - make a reply post in the appropriate area of the Governing Council section!

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (55) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (56)bytomer629 Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:16 pm

GREENERRRR wrote:i know the play you are speaking of - but it NEVER seemed to breach our repetitive play calling rule - the rule stated:

No single offensive play or same type of play different formation can compose no more than 20% of your play calls... (if u have 50 plays in a game - u cant run the same play more than 10 times in the entire game) - defense has no such restriction

my problem wasnt really that he used the play so much, It was that it was a cheeze play to begin with, and shouldnt have been used AT ALL

it was an obvious glitch play that confused the D and left his #1 WR wide open. He used the same weird 5 wide setup and then motioned a guy causing the AI to get confused and nobody covered the WR. Even when I hot routed guys to cover the WR he would still get wide open because the AI wouldnt cover him

I dont care if a play like that is used 1 time per game or 100, if its a glitch play its a glitch play and shouldnt be used ever. These plays will always be in every edition of madden so we need honorable players that wont exploit them to win.

the sad part is that boywonder was a very good player who really didnt need to glitch to beat people... but when the going got tough and he was in a tight spot against me he used this same cheeze play over and over because it is the only way he could pick up a first. I suspect he used similar tactics in other close games. Before the game I was expecting a boywonder to be a really great player after hearing about his record and past superbowl wins, but he really wasnt much better than any of the other good players in the league, the difference was that he used a cheeze play to convert several HUGE 3rd or 4th and longs. Take away 1 of those conversions and he would have lost.

I remember he was something like 50-0 in our sim leauges. How realistic is that???? How many times does an NFL team go undefeated 3 years in a row? and isnt the whole point of these leagues to be as realistic as possible? Why would someone join a league that is dominated by 1 player who NEVER loses? Its not realistic and not fun.

anyway I guess we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it, I'm looking forward to madden coming out and I hope they cut down on the cheeze plays, but I'm sure people will still find them and exploit them. We will just have to save replays and discuss things as a group so we can hopefully boot glitchers and cheaters before they ruin another postseason.

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (60) devils advocate

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (61)byGREENERRRR Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:05 pm

playing ddevils advocate - Boywonder410 m- wopuld just say - ITS HIS USER CONTROL SKILLS that made him successful and if guys wanna stop him - they need to improve their skills- and if I remember the play correctly... he used the playmaker feature (to contol a WR and the QB at the same time) - so naturally he is going to run his receiver into zone seams (the area between zones) - and it MAY appear that nobody is covering that receiver - but thats the inherent weakness of zone defenses - and football 101 says to attack seems relentlessly vs. zone defenses - (the trouble is recognizing the TYPE of zone and where the seams are on the field...)

the skill that was needed to beat him on this play (that we all new was coming) - was the ability to pressure the QB (without a blitz - because he would shred a blitz via the blitz counter pass) and then to MANUALLY control DBs and defend the pass in the air... It seemed that if you didnt get QB pressure - he would manually move his receiver around (via playmaker feature) - until he was open (u can't cover manually or via CPU forever!) - than he would pass it and do a GREAT USER CATCH...

to defend this you had to control a DL player - help out with pressure on the QB (the CPU rarely would accomplish this by itself)...- change to a DB... - close the distance between you and reciever that he created with the play-maker option and out manouveur his incredible ball catching skills - and this was usually done with a DB who had half the rating attributes than his `chosen`reciever had (he always had receivers with high catching and jumping ratings)... tHE END RESULT OFTEN WAS A BIG CATCH FOR HIM FOR A BIG GAIN...

so the problem here is determining if this play is a GLITCH - or just well executed by him (with superior skills) - and if it was a GLITCH play - what makes it so? (althogh its hard to do this via retrospect without video evidence)... THIS IS WHAT I STRUGGLED WITH DETERMING - AND NOBODY GAVE ME A SATISFACTORY ANSWER - other than to say its "glitchy" - which isnt specific enough!... when we booted QBxKILLA we did so because he broke specific rules - (with video evidence supporting it) - I can't hang some1 without PROOF!

As far as sanctioning some1 because they WIN TOO MUCH- I have hard time getting my head around this - sure its UNREALISTIC to have a guy 50+ -0 with 3 straight super bowl wins - but is this grounds for removal form the franchise? - It just seems UNAMERICAN (and CANADIAN LOL!) to sanction some1 because they are TOO GOOD at what they do!

In the end - i know where your coming from - and thats why BW has not been contacted by me this year - I do not think its HEALTHY to have some1 so controversal in our group - it spurrs discontent... but I don't want to ever set a prescident where i sanctioned some1 - just because they were better than others! (and if you can convince me that their actions are taking advantage of a "glitch" in the game - thats a totally different situation) - hopefully we don't have to deal with this situatiuon for Madden 11!

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (66) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (67)bybigbuddah Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:29 pm

Wow that just sounds rediculous...I haven't played him but I can imagine how stupid this looks. It may seem and look cheezy specially if he is just lookin at that 1 wr on that 1 play and uses the playmaker mulitple times just on that 1 play. If he didn't break no rules tho then he shouldn't be on the list. I kno I would have a problem but if its 3rd and 10+ and u sit back in coverage then u deserve to get got like that. And if he could shake off sacks that effectively he is a bad man...I kno personally I have done it a few times but it wasn't an exact science lol

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (71) Re: Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS!

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Developing a list of Online Franchise CLOWNS! (2024)


What are the 4 types of clowns? ›

The major clown organizations recognize three types of clowns for their competitions. They are Whiteface, Auguste, and Tramp. For costume competition, they include a fourth category, character clown. There are also other types of clowns not accepted in competition.

Do clowns still make money? ›

Circus clowns generally earn less than other circus performers but receive room and board. They can earn $200 to $500 per week.

What qualifications do I need to be a clown? ›

High School

Business skills are recommended, particularly for self-employed clowns. They will need training in various skills, such as magic, juggling, and acrobatics, but many clowns cultivate a talent on their own or through training conventions.

How much do you get paid for being a clown? ›

How much does a Clown make in the United States? The average Clown salary in the United States is $65,341 as of May 28, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $50,916 and $80,378.

What are the three clown archetypes? ›

Today, there are three major types of clowns in a circus. These are 'auguste', 'whiteface' and 'tramp' or 'hobo' clowns. Auguste is a German word meaning 'fool'. Auguste clowns wear baggy costumes and bright make-up.

What is clowns fear called? ›

Coulrophobia (COOl-ruh-FOE-bee-uh) is a fear (phobia) of clowns. Children and adults who fear clowns may experience extreme, irrational reactions when they see clowns in person or view pictures or videos of clowns.

What does clown mean in slang? ›

If you say that someone is a clown, you mean that they say funny things or do silly things to amuse people. Chapman was the family clown, with a knack for making a joke out of any situation.

What skills should a clown have? ›

Professional clowns are highly trained and usually have several skills. Their performances may include balloon sculpture, magic, puppetry and ventriloquism, juggling, acrobatics, storytelling, balancing acts, music, stilt walking, or unicycling.

What are the rules of being a clown? ›

The Big NO NO's:
  • No smoking, drinking alcohol, or using profane language while in clown.
  • No lewd or indecent behavior.
  • No acts of criminal behavior.
  • Never intentionally cause emotional or physical harm to anyone.
  • One should not eat or drink in clown character.
Sep 14, 2017

Who is the highest paid clown? ›

Following the events of last night's Champions League final independent sources have confirmed that Karius is now officially the highest paid clown of all time.

How do you start a clown business? ›

Happy clowning!
  1. Is the clown business right for you?
  2. Starting a clown business.
  3. Get an education in clowning.
  4. Establish your clown persona.
  5. Develop your clown act.
  6. Calculate your expenses and purchase equipment.
  7. Acquire funding, choose a business entity, register your business, and obtain federal and state tax ID numbers.

How much does Ronald McDonald pay clowns? ›

clowns or teachers, Ronalds make about $40,000 a year on average. A Ronald busy handling 400 shows a year can make close to $100,000, while the highest-paying Ronald, who appears in national commercials, earns more than $300,000, according to former Ronalds. Asked about Ronald's salary, McDonald's ducks the question.

What are the 4 types of clowns in Modern Family? ›

  • Cameron Tucker : There are four types of clowns: A tramp, an Auguste, a whiteface and a character. ...
  • Cameron Tucker : What?
  • Mitchell Pritchett : N-nothing. ...
  • Mitchell Pritchett : And there's the fifth type, the sad clown.
  • Cameron Tucker : Sad clown is a tramp, so there's still only four types.

Who were the 4 master clowns? ›

Honors. In 1983, Little was named "Master Clown" by the Ringling organization, only the fourth clown ever to be so named (after Otto Griebling, Bobby Kaye, and Lou Jacobs – Little's mentor). Little was the last person ever to have been awarded the title, and was the last surviving Master Clown at the time of his death.

What type of clown is Pennywise? ›

In the novel, It is a shapeshifting alien who usually takes the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown, originating in a void containing and surrounding the Universe—a place referred to in the novel as the "Macroverse".

What is the most famous clown? ›

Here's a look at pop culture's most famous clowns.
  • Ronald McDonald.
  • Bozo the Clown.
  • Krusty the Clown.
  • Pennywise the Dancing Clown, a.k.a. It.
  • The Joker.
  • Twisty the Clown.
  • John Wayne Gacy, a.k.a. Pogo the Clown, a.k.a. The Killer Clown.
  • Happy Slappy.
Oct 7, 2016

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