Chapter 495Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470 April 2017 hapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 • George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Chapter 495Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470 April 2017 hapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 • George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993


Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470 April 2017 Chapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993 Joe Messinger, Secretary 541-637-5231 Dorothy Ausn, Treasurer 541-679-7276 [emailprotected] Prez Sez: Wow, has it been busy lately. I know everyone has been waing for the flying season weather, but a few have managed to get in the air. I recently had the pleasure of geng a ride in Joe Messinger's "Coupe". It was a first-me experience for me and fun! We are sll exploring opons for a chapter home. Progress has been slow in our negoaons with the city. Their response has been that it doesn't fit with FAA regulaons. I am currently researching that with the FAA. You may have heard that I submied my resignaon as Presi- dent of Roseburg Wings and Wheels. Aſter 3 years as President, I found it difficult to provide effecve leadership, and I wanted to devote more me to our chapter. I encourage everyone to connue to support the organizaon, in whatever way we can. Dave Olson currently has the sck, and plans are to have a meeng soon to re-organize. David Frazier and I are signed up to go to Eugene on the 6th of May, to help their chapter with the EAA B-17 visit. Should be fun. I am awaing delivery of a set of Bearhawk plans, which are being donated to the chapter, by Kae Hallburg. Her husband Wayne, unfortunately passed before being able to build his craſt. It is her hope to see his dream realized. Visit the website and Facebook page regularly, to keep abreast of what's happening. Welcome aboard to the two latest members to join us, Gary Lloyd, and Ken Nicholls. There are sll a few people needing to address 2017 dues. In addion to paying at the meeng, dues can be mailed to PO Box 41, Roseburg, 97470. Get those aircraſt out of the weeds, and get them ready, sum- mer’s coming. Also think registraon, currency, flight review, and safety, safety, safety. Roseburg had an unusual visitor recently in the form of a de Havilland Rapide. It was a 1930s Brish short-haul biplane airliner for 6–8 passengers. The Dragon Rapide proved an economical and durable craſt, despite its primive plywood construcon. The airplane went through several variaons and later was referred to simply as a Rapide. It was in effect a twin-engine, scaled-down version of the four-engine DH.86 Express. It shared many common features with the DH.86 Ex- press, including its tapered wings, stream- lined fairings and Gipsy Six engines but it demonstrated none of the operaonal vices of the Express and went on to become per- haps the most successful Brish-built short- haul commercial passenger aircraſt of the 1930s. The de Havilland marque is readily idenfied by the disncve vercal stabilizer. Thanks to George Dorius for the photo. de Havilland Rapide Spotted at Roseburg Airport

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Chapter 495Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470 April 2017 hapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 • George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993 - [PDF Document] (3)

Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon

PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470

April 2017

Chapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 • George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993

Joe Messinger, Secretary 541-637-5231 • Dorothy Austin, Treasurer 541-679-7276 • [emailprotected]

Prez Sez: Wow, has it been busy lately. I know

everyone has been waiting for the flying season weather, but a few have managed to get in the air. I recently had the pleasure of getting a ride in Joe Messinger's "Coupe". It was a first-time experience for me and fun!

We are still exploring options for a chapter home. Progress has been slow in our negotiations with the city. Their response has been that it doesn't fit with FAA regulations. I am currently researching that with the FAA.

You may have heard that I submitted my resignation as Presi-dent of Roseburg Wings and Wheels. After 3 years as President, I found it difficult to provide effective leadership, and I wanted to devote more time to our chapter. I encourage everyone to

continue to support the organization, in whatever way we can. Dave Olson currently has the stick, and plans are to have a meeting soon to re-organize.

David Frazier and I are signed up to go to Eugene on the 6th of May, to help their chapter with the EAA B-17 visit. Should be fun.

I am awaiting delivery of a set of Bearhawk plans, which are being donated to the chapter, by Katie Hallburg. Her husband Wayne, unfortunately passed before being able to build his craft. It is her hope to see his dream realized.

Visit the website and Facebook page regularly, to keep abreast of what's happening.

Welcome aboard to the two latest members to join us, Gary Lloyd, and Ken Nicholls.

There are still a few people needing to address 2017 dues. In addition to paying at the meeting, dues can be mailed to PO Box 41, Roseburg, 97470.

Get those aircraft out of the weeds, and get them ready, sum-mer’s coming. Also think registration, currency, flight review, and safety, safety, safety.

Roseburg had an unusual visitor recently in the form of a de Havilland Rapide. It was a 1930s British short-haul biplane airliner for 6–8 passengers. The Dragon Rapide proved an economical and durable craft, despite its primitive plywood construction. The airplane went through several variations and later was referred to simply as a Rapide. It was in effect a twin-engine, scaled-down version of the four-engine DH.86

Express. It shared many common features with the DH.86 Ex-press, including its tapered wings, stream-lined fairings and Gipsy Six engines but it demonstrated none of the operational vices of the Express and went on to become per-haps the most successful British-built short-haul commercial passenger aircraft of the 1930s. The de Havilland marque is readily identified by the distinctive vertical stabilizer. Thanks

to George Dorius for the photo.

de Havilland Rapide Spotted at Roseburg Airport

Chapter 495Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470 April 2017 hapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 • George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993 - [PDF Document] (4)

EAA Chapter 495, Roseburg, Oregon April 2017

We got word from our friends up in Albany that starting this month their meetings will be held on the 4th Saturday of the each month in Albany instead of the 2nd Tuesday. The meetings will start at 10:30 am followed by a BBQ. The BBQ is open to everyone, donations encouraged. Depend-ing on the weather they will offer Young Eagle Flights. They meet at Infinite Air. For more information contact their president Gar Burroughs at 541-979-1044 or by email at [emailprotected].

Albany EAA Chapter BBQ We received an update on the Cottage Grove Airport Welcome Center. This looks like a great new asset for the aviation com-munity this spring. Included is a great offer for a gift certificate for a 52% discount at Busters Main Street Cafe in Cottage Grove. They say Busters is rated 4.5 stars on yelp and is said to be one of the favorite restaurants in town among pilots.

If you have any questions or need more information call Nadine Kelley at the Cottage Grove Airport Welcome Center 541-767-0244.

Cottage Grove Welcome Center Update

Did you know that EAA offers free webinars? You can log on and watch these presentations live or if you missed one you want to watch, they are archived on the EAA website. Even though you can view them in the archive you have the advantage of being able to participate by asking your ques-tions during the live session. Either way, these presenta-tions offer valuable information and best of all, did we men-tion they are free?

Many of these presentations qualify for the FAA WINGS or AMT program. For more information follow THIS LINK. Here you will find a link to the archived webinars. Look for the blue box that says, “View Webinar Video Archives.”

EAA Webinars Offer Valuable Information

Willamette Valley Flyers periodically publishes a calendar of aviation events. Listed below are a number of them. In the coming weeks we will have many of these listed on our cal-endar on the EAA 495 WEBSITE. On the 1st Saturday of the month EAA Chapter 105 has a breakfast at Starks Twin Oaks Airport (7S3). For more infor-

mation contact Tom Louris, president at 503-914-8009 or [emailprotected]. WAAAM has a fly in at Hood River on the 2nd Saturday of each month. For more information check their WEBSITE. EAA Chapter 31 has a breakfast at Creswell Hobby Airport (77S) on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Breakfast is served 9:00 am to 10:30 am, all you can eat for $5.00. Every Sunday 8:00 am – 11:00 there is an All You Can Eat Breakfast at the American Legion Hall in Lebanon for $6! You can't beat the menu or the service. Lebanair has courte-sy cars and it's only a short drive to 480 Main St. Info: Shelly 541-451-1351 or take a look at the WEBSITE.

$100 Burgers and Such Are you old enough to remember “E” ticket rides at Disneyland? These were only for the most adventuresome among us. Those of us prone to taking chanc-es with life and limb were the only ones on the “E” ticket rides. When the roll-er coaster came down the slope we’d be seen with our hands in the air laughing at death. None of us ever let

on that we were probably safer there than in our own living rooms where we could trip over the cat. Well, it looks like Dan Sprague got a chance at an “E” ticket ride not so long ago when he went for a ride with Chris Akin in his Extra 300. Off they went blasting into the air, trailing smoke. Gawlee ma, that there airplane is on fire. It’s gonna crash, fur sure, call the fire de-

partment. Hear tell that by the time they got down from their aerial adventure Dan’s face was aching with a grin that just wouldn’t go away. Just another day at the airport. Thanks to Al Gerharter for the photos.

An “E” TickET RidE



Chapter 495Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470 April 2017 hapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 • George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993 - [PDF Document] (5)

EAA Chapter 495, Roseburg, Oregon April 2017

EAA 495 members and friends were treated to Sat-urday morning of valuable aviation related infor-mation and instruction. Our local EAA Chapter 495 member and A&P, Dan Sprague opened up his hangar for a demonstration of compression check-ing, plug cleaning and related engine maintenance. Thanks to Ed Brown for the photos.

Aircraft Maintenance Discussed at Workshop

Do you have something to

sell or give away? Maybe

you need something like

that hard to find fastener

or help with your project. As a member of Chapter 495 you

can put a free classified ad in this space and it will also appear

on our website. Email information to [emailprotected]

Jim Platz, a former USAF and Oregon ANG pilot has decided to hang up his spurs and sell off some of his equipment. For those interested contact Jim at jhplatz@gmail or call him at 541-548-9901 (cell). He is in Crooked River Ranch but will meet you in Redmond or Prineville. The first number is what he paid for the item and the second is his asking price. Icom IC-A6 VHF Transceiver, Manual $299.00 $140.00, Knee Board $22.95 $5.00, Flighcom Headset $159.00 $50.00, David Clark Headset H10-30 $259.95 $90.00, Flightline Headset ? $75.00,

Does anybody know what this is? Prez Paul sent this along. He said the information he got is that you can land on either set of wheels. It appears to have a flat bottom wing so “inverted landings might be tricky. Does the seat flip around or are you stuck hanging from the seatbelt?

Chapter 495 is hoping to get a virtual tool crib going. You can help by making some of your little used equipment and tools available to chapter members. The terms of the loan will be up to each member it will be your responsi-

bility to keep track of things you loan out. In same cases you may need to demonstrate proper use of tools to the borrower. This will help with safety of operation and preservation of the tool. This is a good way to get involved with your fellow chap-ter members and make a few new friends. Contact Vice President George Dorius if this is something that appeals to you. He will put you on the list and we will create a page on the chapter website.

What is a Virtual Tool Crib?


Chapter 495Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470 April 2017 hapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 • George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993 - [PDF Document] (6)

EAA Chapter 495, Roseburg, Oregon April 2017 EAA Chapter 495, Roseburg, Oregon April 2017

Just for Grins

A gullible non pilot friend of mine was visiting me at the air-port the other day. As we were leaving he asked about the two airplanes parked on the south ramp. You know, the V-tail without an engine and the piper twin with the curly props. I told him about how the gear col-lapsed on the V-tail and it made perfect sense to him. But when we got to the twin, I decided to

have some fun. “That’s a new experimental prop being devel-oped by GUL Technologies out of Eugene,” I told him. “It is supposed to run quieter and develop more thrust than a con-ventional prop,” I continued. I told him I hadn’t had a chance to see it in action or talk to any of the engineers about it since it was all pretty hush hush. Well, he went for it, hook, line and sinker. I know, I’m a bad person. Oh, GUL Technologies...Gear Up Landing.

Two Texas Highway Patrol Officers were conducting speeding enforcement on High-way 77, just south of Kingsville, Texas. One of the officers was using a hand-held

radar device to check speeding vehicles approaching the town of Kingsville. The officers were suddenly surprised when the radar gun began reading 300 miles per hour and climbing. The officer attempted to reset the radar gun, but it would not reset and then it suddenly turned off.

Just then a deafening roar over the mesquite tree tops on Highway 77 revealed the radar had in fact, locked on to a USMC F/A-18 Hornet which was engaged in a low-flying exer-cise near its Naval Air home base location in Kingsville. Back at the Texas Highway Patrol Headquarters in Corpus Chris-ti the Patrol Captain fired off a complaint to the U. S. Naval Base Commander in Kingsville for shutting down his equip-ment. The reply came back in true USMC style: "Thank you for your letter . . ."You may be interested to know that the tactical com-puter in the Hornet had detected the presence of, and subse-quently locked on to, your hostile radar equipment and auto-matically sent a jamming signal back to it, which is why it shut down." "Furthermore, an air-to-ground missile aboard the fully armed aircraft had also automatically locked on to your equip-ment's location." "Fortunately, the Marine pilot flying the Hornet recognized the situation for what it was, quickly responded to the missile sys-tem alert status and was able to override the automated de-fense system before the missile was launched to destroy the hostile radar position on the side of Highway 77, south of Kingsville." "The pilot suggests you cover your mouths when swearing at them, since the video systems on these jets are very high tech." "Sergeant Johnson, the officer holding the radar gun, should get his dentist to check his left molar. It appears the filling is loose. Also, the snap is broken on his holster." Semper Fi

A small airplane was patrolling the skies over the placid river. Suddenly another airplane swooped down, flying out of the sun his trusty round engine screaming and the wings of his magnificent red biplane slicing through the air. The Red Baron of Sutherland was on the attack. “Finally,” he muttered, “I have him in my sights and he won’t get away this time.”

About then he felt a shaking, like the wings of his biplane were overstressing. Looking over his shoulder he saw the familiar shape of the Sopwith flown by his arch nemesis, Snoopy. Little points of light flashed as he began to no-tice tracer rounds whizzing by . He banked hard right in an effort to shake the tenacious little beagle.

The shaking was getting more intense and he wondered if she would hold together, his trusty steed. It was then he heard, “Paul, wake up. I need you to take the trash out.”

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Chapter 495Chapter 495 Roseburg Oregon PO Box 41, Roseburg, OR 97470 April 2017 hapter Officers Paul Schafer, President 541-513-4579 • George Dorius, Vice-president 541-784-7993 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.